Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Westport, Massachusetts

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Westport, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Westport, Massachusetts students.

Westport District and Curriculum

Westport Community Schools consist of four schools and 1,900 students. There is a primary school with grades PK-K, an elementary school with grades 1-4, a middle school, and a high school. The district describes itself as a student-centered environment that cultivates learners who achieve academic success, think critically, and become productive members of society. Westport Community Schools use the Common Core State Standards. With a host of academic courses, student clubs, and athletic teams, students have many opportunities to develop into well-rounded young adults.

We currently cover the following Westport-area school district: Westport Community Schools.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Westport District Curriculum

The district’s curriculum, assessment, and instruction are built around what it would like students to learn (learning targets; guaranteed curriculum), how it will know that students learned what they were supposed to (assessment system), the research-based practices that will be implemented to ensure that all students meet the standards (instruction), and what will be done if students are struggling.

Westport High uses school-wide rubrics for reading, writing, and problem solving. The reading rubric assesses the students’ understanding of the main idea of the text, ability to provide evidence to support their understanding, ability to connect new and prior readings, and understanding of vocabulary. According to the writing rubric, students should show an understanding of the content, use evidence to support their understanding, use appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure, and apply the correct mechanics of writing. The problem solving rubrics asks students to identify the problem or question, gather and organize information from various sources, and use appropriate and multiple strategies and thinking.

Our Westport, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Westport Educational News

  • Westport Schools Get Good Report - Westport Schools have earned praise in several areas, including rising MCAS and high SAT scores. Additionally, the New England League of Middle Schools visited Westport Middle School and commended its school community, the high amount of student participation, the on-task behavior of the students, and the use of technology and rubrics.
  • Westport Art Department Gets Great Big Pumpkin - Norman and Irene Buck partnered with the Westport Education Foundation in order to donate a pumpkin that weighed in at just over 400 pounds to the district’s art department. The students had a great time carving it!
  • Former Westport Student Published in Sports Illustrated - Nick Friar, who was part of Westport’s Class of 2010, had his article “For the Record” published in an issue of Sports Illustrated. In the special commemorative issue of the magazine, his article highlighted how the 2013 World Series Champion Boston Red Sox produced when it mattered most.

Westport Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Autumn Ideas for the Classroom

There is a wide range of activities and themes related to the fall season that can be incorporated into the classroom. Young students who are learning about seasons can describe what the weather is like, what people wear, what months encompass the season, what activities people do, etc. Youngsters who are learning about adjectives can use adjectives to describe the autumn season. Perhaps a display with these words on shapes such as leaves or pumpkins can be created. Another activity can be students creating leaf pictures out of real leaves they collected and describe their different characteristics. One common theme that is often incorporated into elementary classroom is apples. This may include describing apples, discussing why they are healthy, talking about how they are grown, learning about Johnny Appleseed, picking apples, solving math problems involving apples, etc. All of these ideas can be turned into great writing and poetry activities. Of course, Halloween and Thanksgiving activities can be integrated.