Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Williston, North Dakota
Certified Educators
Personalized Learning
1-on-1 Instruction
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Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Williston, North Dakota Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Williston, North Dakota students.
Williston District and Curriculum
The Williston Public School District was divided into two separate districts with District 1 serving students residing in the city limits and District 8 providing for students living in the surrounding rural areas. District 1 provides education for grades K-12 while District 8 consists of three schools that instruct grades K-8. Williston Public District 1 has invested in creating “a learning partnership of home, school, and community that promotes each individual’s strengths and talents, lifelong learning and personal excellence.” Though the separate districts have each established an individual educational curriculum, their proximity to one another allows for exchange of resources and ideas.
We currently cover the following Williston-area school districts: Williston Public School District #1 and Williston Public School District #8.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Williston District Curriculum
Both Districts use a Language Arts curriculum focused on literacy and communication using technological advances for teachers such as the Renaissance Learning program. This program allows teachers to easily access students' capabilities and create programs tailored to their individual needs. Students are expected to efficiently extend their vocabulary and develop critical thinking skills earlier. The smaller class sizes of District 8 allow this curriculum to be effectively implemented.
Williston Public District #8 provides "a setting which encourages students to develop skills and attitudes necessary to become successful citizens of the world." Much of the Science and Math curriculum in District 8 is provided by the modern computer labs and equipment each school processes. Students experience a personal hands-on environment while learning the basic principles of arithmetic and geometry, life and physical sciences, and the relationship between the two disciplines. Students are expected to become proficient in basic concepts such as recognizing patterns, establishing problem solving skills, and utilizing systems of measurement.
Our Williston, North Dakota tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Williston Educational News
- Williston Teacher Wins State Award - The 2012 North Dakota History Teacher of the Year Award was presented to Williston District teacher Kari Hall. She was chosen by a statewide panel of experts for her ability to inspire students and usage of primary history texts in the classroom.
- ND Governor Visits Williston School - Governor Jack Dalrymple was in Williston to celebrate the re-opening of the McVay Elementary School. He congratulated the community on its accomplishments and said it is a testament to the fitness of the region.
- Coyote Foundation - The Coyote Foundation is a chartiable extension of the school community which consists of parents, community members and alumni. The organization raises funds for school initiatives and maintains a link between former grads and current events at the school.
Williston Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Please Visit Our Blog!
Our teachers enjoy keeping parents up-to-date on the latest educational and instructional technology news. For new articles from our Academic Directors, please visit our blog.