Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Winder, Georgia
Certified Educators
Personalized Learning
1-on-1 Instruction
Flexible Scheduling
Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Winder, Georgia Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Winder, Georgia students.
Winder District and Curriculum
Winder students attend Barrow County Schools. Students follow the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and Georgia Performance Standards. The standards are set of expectations within core subjects at each grade level of what students should be learning and need to know for college and career readiness. Curriculum is aligned with the standards in the following subject areas: English Language Arts, Career and Technical Education (high school), Fine Arts (high school), Health and Physical Education, Humanities (high school), Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (high school) and Science, Technology and Mathematics.
We currently cover the following Winder-area school district: Barrow County Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Winder District Curriculum
The standards, implemented in many school districts across the nation, have been developed by education experts, teachers and parents. They are research-based, giving teachers and leader direction in how students learn. Strategies and instructional tools make teaching and learning rigorous and relevant, applicable through problem-based teaching. Students are provided with the skills, content and knowledge to be college and career ready, using informational technical texts and increasing text complexity in core subjects to do so.
The curriculum allows students to extend critical thinking and problem solving abilities to real-world activities, increasing their interest and awareness of the world around them. Through many of the extracurricular organizations at the school, students are able to combine their education with areas of personal interest – like Future Business Leaders, or Science Olympiad, and develop an additional knowledge base in a collaborative atmosphere with other peers.
Our Winder, Georgia tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Winder Educational News
- Innovation in Teaching Award - Congratulations to Gretchen Hilley for being nominated for Governor Deal’s Innovation in Teaching Award. A teacher at Statham Elementary School, Ms. Hilley was recognized for using robotics kits as a teaching tool in the classroom. The kits were awarded to her through a University of Georgia grant. A big thank you to Gretchen Hilley for the innovative ways you think to make learning fun for students!
- Integrated Learning in History and Writing - Third, fourth and fifth graders at Holsenbeck Elementary School showed how informational texts can make learning fun. From informational texts, students created bottle figures of inspirational people, representing different groups they wrote about. By first writing an informational piece about their “person,” students created their figures: third graders made figures representing American heroes; fourth graders focused on people who inspired them; and fifth grader bottle figures represented influential people in American History between 1850 and 1920.
- Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers - Through the Cultural Arts Center, community members and visitors can experience an interactive way to learn about independent films and filmmaking. The Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers provides everyone the opportunity to engage in the arts and even become a filmmaker or contribute to filmmaking themselves. Reflecting the history and culture of the Southern region, families can appreciate each work shown at the Center and continue the efforts of their arts community.
Winder Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Reading Lists
At the end of every school year, your child probably hands you (or received in an email, newsletter) a list of books to read over the summer. The idea of “reading lists” is to continue the literary skills students focused on during that year as well as prepare them for advanced literary skills and texts in the upcoming grade level. Students may see this list as a disruption to their summer, knowing they’ll be expected to make time to read. Reading the books, and completing any other activities along with the books, can be manageable, even an enjoyable part of the summer. You can make a plan with your child – rainy days = reading days; a few minutes before bed each night; making a game of the chapter or characters such as “Jeopardy” or charades. Just as with learning during the school year, students will be more likely to absorb the material or skills if the activities are engaging. Your child may try to procrastinate in completing the reading lists. There is also no need to rush it.