About Me
Over my years of teaching in many different settings, I have come to understand that effective teaching combines a balance between nurturing and challenging learners. I strive to create an environment that simultaneously expects excellence and conveys understanding of the barriers that many learners work to overcome.
I believe in encouraging students, and teachers, to reach beyond their comfort zones into new areas of knowledge and skills and to take pride in setting high standards for themselves. Students, at any age, who do not believe they can succeed, may never do so.
It is not only my obligation to engage students in their own success; it is my commitment as a professional learner and educator.
I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Concordia University, a Master’s Degree in Sociology from McMaster University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of Toronto. I am an Ontario certified teacher.
I have approximately 20 years of teaching, mentoring and training of school age, young adult and professional students. This includes in-person tutoring, course and curriculum design, development, accommodation and application.
Volunteer member of community based educational and healthcare related organisations, i.e. Alternative schools advisory committee, my children’s schools’ parent advisory committee; Pre and post natal Mother’s nutrition and parenting volunteer