English Review of World Poetry

English Review of World Poetry

English Review of World Poetry 284 177 Deborah


Forms of poetry exist all over the world, some predating writing. Poems are written in specific forms from the Far East through Persia and Arabia, using specific features of the culture and language. For example, the Epic of Gilgamesh, written in Sumeria in the third millennium BCE, uses common features of Sumerian language and thought. Hebrew poetry such as the Song of Deborah dates from the 12th century BCE. It is built around a call-and-response style known as parallelism, while poetry from many lands uses acrostics and arrangement of first letters per line.

Poetry in China

There are many different types of poetry in China. The oldest known poem book is called the Shijing (Classic of Poetry), written in many forms until 700 BCE. It contains folk songs, poetry of the Imperial Court, and songs to worship the ancestors. The Chu Ci (Songs of the South) date from 158 CE and include lyric poetry and poems about nature. Modern poetry, rather than follow strict rules of the Chinese language, is written in free verse. Like poetry in English, poetry in Chinese is written and performed in many different styles.

Poetry in Japan

Japanese poetry focuses on the number of sound-units in a line rather than rhyme, using the tonal and internal features of the language. The earliest poetry followed the Chinese form, but by the 680 CE, new forms came into being. Tanka are structured in a 5-7, 5-7-7 pattern and are not usually rhymed. Haiku are shorter, in a 5-7-5 pattern, often about nature or the seasons.

Persian Poetry

The Persian language group includes the areas around Iran, Turkey, the Caucasus, western Pakistan, Afghanistan, and northern India. Some of the most famous poets include Rumi and Omar Khayyam. Rumi lived in the 13th century CE, and wrote poetry in a style called ghazal. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam was translated into English in 1859. The ghazal is a type of rhyming poem that has refrains, and the Rubaiyat is arranged in units of four lines.

Arabic Poetry

Arabic poetry has a long oral tradition, and classical poetry is most often rhymed. Narrative poetry, romantic poetry, and odes are common traditional forms. The One Thousand and One Nights of Scheherazade consists of interlocking stories, written in romantic verse. Modern Arabic poetry is written in many different forms and on a wider range of topics.

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