Writing Review: Commas

Writing Review: Commas

Writing Review: Commas 445 445 School Tutoring

The comma is a versatile writing tool that are used in all formats of writing. Although they are used regularly, they are often over used! It is important to remember to use commas only when you can identify the rule that calls for a comma. Here are a few different ways commas can be used.

1. Commas can be used to separate things in series. This means that you use commas in between things when you list them. Example: “I own a dog, cat, and a bird.”

2. You can use a comma with a conjunction (and,but,or,so,yet,for) to connect two independent clauses. It is important to remember that the comma comes BEFORE the conjunction, not after. Example: “She kicked the ball, but it did not go into the net.”

3. You can also use commas to separate introductory elements in a sentence. This is when you give some initial information about the rest of the elements in the sentence. Example: “Running for the school bus, Timmy realized he forgot his notebook.”

4. Commas can be used to set off parenthetical elements. What is meant by “parenthetical elements” is a part of a sentence that is non-essential and can be removed without changing the overall meaning of the sentence. Example: “The trees, along the road to my house, change colour in the fall.”

5. They can be used to isolate coordinate adjectives. A good way of identifying when you need to put a comma is to see if you can put an ‘and’ or ‘but’ between the adjectives. If it fits, a comma probably goes there. Example: “The tall, distinguished, good looking fellow.”

6. Commas can also be used to separate phrases that are contradictory. Example: “The movie was cute, not scary.”

The comma can be a great tool and especially helpful when works are more complex and ideas need to be clearly identified. Understanding how to properly use commas helps both writers and readers contemplate how sentences are constructed and how they can be manipulated in order to express thoughts more concisely.

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This article was written for you by Troy, one of the tutors with Test Prep Academy.