Diction errors are types of errors when the incorrect word is used in a nonstandard way. Some word usage is colloquial: out of place in a formal essay. Other errors in word usage occur when similar words are used in the incorrect context.
What about Lots or A Lot?
The use of lots or a lot is colloquial, as well as non-specific. Standard usage would refer to many, or very much. A sentence such as “I like to write a lot” could either mean that I like to write very much, or I like to write a great quantity. Similarly, “A bunch of people were at the concert” should be restated as, “A group of people were at the concert” or “Many people were at the concert.” When referring to people, bunch is nonstandard. Bunches can refer to flowers, grapes, or bananas and be correct.
What about Guy?
The word guy is also colloquial. Preferred usage would be “the man”, just as preferred usage for gal would be woman. Plenty as in the sentence, “It is plenty hot this summer” is colloquial. “It is very hot this summer,” is standard. In the same way, “It is awful hot this summer” is colloquial, and could be recast as “It is very hot this summer.”
What about Aggravate?
The word aggravate means to make worse, and aggravated is not a synonym for annoyed (or any of the other synonyms for annoyed that are not standard usage). ” Her headache was aggravated by lack of sleep,” would be standard usage. “She was aggravated by the construction in the office building,” would not be.
What about Anxious and Eager?
“The students were anxious for change” is nonstandard, and should be replaced with “The students were eager for change.” The students did not fear change. Similarly, can refers to ability, while may refers to permission or likelihood.
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