Overview: What Are Mutations?
Although the process of DNA transmission and replication is usually flawless in the next generation of cells, sometimes there are coding errors. These errors pass on and are expressed in the next generation. Sometimes they involve a single gene, and sometimes they involve an entire chromosome. They are called mutations.
What Are Gene Mutations?
The most common types of mutations involve a single gene. If one base is changed in the entire sequence, so that a different amino acid is produced or a different enzyme is added, the difference could be trivial, or it could be important to the organism’s survival and characteristics. The condition albinism is caused by a mutation, so that organisms cannot produce pigments. Albino animals have pinkish eyes and colorless hair, among other characteristics. and some albino plants, lacking chlorophyll, will not be able to create energy by photosynthesis.
What Are Chromosome Mutations?
By contrast, chromosome mutations often involve more than a single gene, as an entire chromosome controls a variety of traits. Many of these mutations may be harmful or even lethal. If an entire chromosome is lost or breaks (a process called deletion) the most serious effects occur. If part of the chromosome in the middle is separated and then recombines with the rest of the chromosome (a process called inversion), the effects aren’t as severe, as the entire chromosome is there. If the change is across two chromosomes (a process called translocation) a number of harmful effects occur.
What Are Germ Cell Mutations?
Germ cell mutations occur within reproductive cells. In that case, they will not appear in that generation, but the mutations will affect offspring, sometimes after generations, as the mutations are copied from cell to cell. These mutations can be in any part of the genetic code so they can have a range of effects.
What Are Somatic Cell Mutations?
Somatic cell mutations occur in the organism itself, rather than in the reproductive cells. These types of mutations are not passed on to offspring. The mutant cell within the organism will pass on the mutation as that cell reproduces within the organism. Some somatic mutations can result in cancers, if the mutation causes the cell itself to reproduce without control and create a tumor. Many types of UV radiation, carcinogens in tobacco smoke, and other chemicals can increase the rate of harmful mutations such as cancers.
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