SchoolTutoring Academy Reviews Punctuation Marks: Full stop and Ellipsis

SchoolTutoring Academy Reviews Punctuation Marks: Full stop and Ellipsis

SchoolTutoring Academy Reviews Punctuation Marks: Full stop and Ellipsis 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Full Stop (or Period)

The period or full stop (.) is the most commonly used punctuation in English language. It is used at the end of a sentence. A space is left between the period and the first letter of the next sentence. But, there is no space between the last letter and the period.

It is a lovely day today. Let’s go out and play.

Some more uses of period:

–   At the end of a command

Example: Submit your assignments on Monday.

–   At the end of indirect question

Example: Father asked why he came home so late.

–  With abbreviations

Example: a.m, p.m, M.P.

–  To show a word has been made shorter

Example: Co., etc

–   After titles

Example: Mr., Mrs, Dr.


 The ellipsis (…) is used to indicate an unfinished sentence, a pause or omitted words. The ellipsis consists of three evenly spaced dots (periods) with spaces between the ellipsis and surrounding letters or other marks.

Example: …I will come … for lunch … tomorrow …

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