There are many different types of algae. They are autotrophic, which means they make their own food by photosynthesis. Some algae are one-celled, while other algae contain many cells that are held together, such as kelp.
What Are Algae?
The cells of algae contain separate nuclei surrounded by membranes. Most of them have more than one type of chlorophyll, as well as various substances that act as pigments to capture more light. The vast majority of types of algae live in water. Some species are specialized for freshwater lakes and streams, while other species live in the oceans. Many forms are microscopic, although large forms of seaweed, such as kelp, can grow to hundreds of feet long. They differ from more complex plants because they lack specialized parts such as roots and leaves.
How Are Algae Classified?
Algae can be classified by the type of chlorophyll they contain, as well as the major pigments they carry. For example, one of the largest groups of algae are golden in color, because they contain pigments that block some of the typical green color of chlorophyll. Other forms of algae appear brown or red, as well as the many types of green algae.
What Are Harmful Algae?
Not all forms of algae are benign. Some forms of algae grow uncontrollably in an algal bloom and release a poisonous toxin that kill fish and organisms that eat the fish. For example, when shellfish feed upon the algae that create “red tide”, they become poisonous and cannot be harvested for food, as the toxin is paralytic. Other types of algal blooms grow in the presence of pollution, and destroy other organisms that normally would grow and thrive in unpolluted water.
Why Are Algae Important?
Algae are important to the balance of organisms in ecology because they produce a large amount of oxygen through photosynthesis that is released into the atmosphere. In addition, they are an important source of food for other organisms that do not produce their own food. Some forms of algae are used as food, such as various types of kelp and seaweed. Some extracts from types of algae, such as agar and carrageenan, have a wide variety of uses.
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