Calculating Volume for Various 3D Objects

Calculating Volume for Various 3D Objects

Calculating Volume for Various 3D Objects 400 231 School Tutoring

Volume is the space enclosed by a three-dimensional object. When calculating volume, you are calculating the number of cubic units that object can hold inside.


Volume = s3 = s x s x s

Where s is the length of the side of the cube

Example: A cube with side lengths of 4 cm

V = s3

= 43

= 64 cm3

Rectangular Prism

Volume = l x w x h

Where l is the length, w is the width and h is the height of the prism

Example: A rectangular prism with a length of 4 cm, width of 2 cm and height of 3 cm

V= l x w x h

= 4 x 2 x 3

= 24 cm3


Volume = area of base x h

Where h is the height of the cylinder

Since the base of a cylinder is a circle, the area of the base is equal to pi x r2

Where r is the radius of the circle

Example: A cylinder with a height of 5 cm and a radius of 3 cm

V = area of base x h

= pi x r2 x h

= 3.14 x 32 x 5

= 141.3 cm3


Volume = 4/3 x pi x r3

Where r is the radius of the sphere

Example: A sphere with a radius of 6 cm

V = 4/3 x pi x r3

= 4/3 x 3.14 x 63

= 904.32 cm3


Volume = 1/3 x pi x r2 x h

Where r is the radius of the circle at the base and h is the height of the cone (distance from base to tip)

Example: A cone with a height of 6 cm and radius of 3 cm

V = 1/3 x pi x r2 x h

= 1/3 x 3.14 x 32 x 6

= 56.52 cm3


Volume = 1/3 x area of base x h

Where h is the height of the pyramid

Note: The shapes of the bases differ depending on the type of pyramid (ie. Square-based pyramid vs. triangle-based pyramid)

Example: A pyramid with a base area of 25 cm2 and a height of 7 cm

V = 1/3 x area of base x h

= 1/3 x 25 x 7

= 58.3 cm3

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