Number Systems in Math

Number Systems in Math 401 359 School Tutoring

Today, we have different number systems. Most students learn these number systems during their middle school. Some of these number systems are used frequently, and the others are rarely used.…

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SOHCAHTOA and Special Angles

SOHCAHTOA and Special Angles 256 192 School Tutoring

The word trigonometry often strikes fear into a young students heart. Many students struggle with this area of math, but often times they are so terrified by the word trigonometry…

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Systems of Linear Equations

Systems of Linear Equations 250 250 School Tutoring

A system of linear equations is a set of linear equations that have common variables. Common systems consist of two variables, x and y, and two linear equations. The solution…

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Introduction to Inequalities

Introduction to Inequalities 368 322 School Tutoring

Math is not always about “equal”. Sometimes you may only know that something is bigger or smaller than another value. Statements such as these are called inequalities. Inequalities tell you…

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Learn to Multiply and Divide with Fractions

Learn to Multiply and Divide with Fractions 350 359 School Tutoring

Multiplying Fractions If you are able to multiply whole numbers together then you will be able to multiply fractions. Here is how it is done. Step One: Multiple the top…

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Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium 555 244 School Tutoring

The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that both allele and genotype frequencies are in equilibrium in a constant population from generation to generation. This is only true under Hardy-Weinberg conditions, which are:…

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The Importance of Using Synonyms

The Importance of Using Synonyms 448 314 School Tutoring

Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, for example a synonym for “happy” is “elated”. Words often have many different synonyms.…

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Asymptotes of Rational Functions

Asymptotes of Rational Functions 266 190 School Tutoring

An asymptote of a function is a line where the length between the function and the line approach but do not reach zero as the function continues to infinity. There…

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How to Solve Systems of Equations

How to Solve Systems of Equations 642 642 School Tutoring

Given a system of two algebraic equations with two unknown variables there are two main methods to solve for the unknown values. An example of such a system of equations…

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Factoring: Two Special Cases

Factoring: Two Special Cases 260 194 School Tutoring

For a quadratic there are two special cases that factor very quickly and will save time when recognized. First case: Difference of Squares A difference of squares occurs when a…

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