Fractions can be changed to decimals and decimals to fractions in a few simple steps. The rule is that both fractions and decimals are different ways to express the same…
read moreA learning style inventory is an assessment that shows people the modes in which they learn best. It is not an assessment in the common high-stakes sense of the word,…
read moreThe psychological phenomenon of priming affects a number of mental processes. Priming is like an advanced notification system, however a person is receiving notifications that affect what they think and…
read morePriming is one of the most common influences upon students, and possibly one of the least discussed. Priming is a psychological reality of life – we are all primed in…
read moreA fraction consists of two numbers. The number on top is called numerator and the number on the bottom is called denominator, written as: An improper fraction…
read moreFractions with different denominators are unlike fractions. They cannot be added or subtracted as they are. They are to be converted to like fractions first which have common denominator. Then…
read moreMultiplication of fractions While multiplying fractions, the product of the numerators forms the numerator of the resultant fraction and the product of the denominators forms the denominator of the final…
read moreFractions with same denominators are called like fractions. Like fractions can be added and subtracted very easily. Simply add or subtract the numerators to get the resultant numerator and write…
read moreEquivalent fractions are the fraction that have same value or represent the same part of a whole, even though they look different. If we multiply or divide both numerator…
read moreA fraction is representation of a part of a whole. It is written as where a is numerator which tells the number of equal parts and b is denominator which…
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