Comparison and Contrast on the Essay Portion

Comparison and Contrast on the Essay Portion

Comparison and Contrast on the Essay Portion 160 128 School Tutoring

Overview:  Comparison and Contrast Prompts
Writing prompts on the SAT and ACT may ask students to use a comparison and contrast format to structure their arguments.  In that case, it is important to cover all similarities and differences between points of view on the topic.  One useful strategy is to list them very quickly.

An Example of Comparison
One scenario for the prompt might be a change in the dress code at the local high school.  As in many areas across the country, students will be required to wear uniforms that are restricted to black with combinations of the school colors, red and gold .  Before writing the essay, jot down some of the ways the current dress code and the new dress code are similar.  For example, are students encouraged to wear school colors on rally days?

An Example of Contrast
It is often easier to think of ways the current dress code differs from the proposed dress code.  In the current dress code, there are no restrictions on the colors students are allowed to wear.  They might be prohibited from wearing or carrying gang or drug-related merchandise.  In the proposed dress code, they are limited to a few color choices.  In the current dress code, students are not required to wear uniforms to school.  However, in the new dress code, students will wear uniforms to school, and may be required to purchase them from an approved list of stores that carry them.

Focus on the Audience
The tone of the essay will be different depending on the intended audience.  If the essay is directed to the school board, choose examples that will appeal to the adults changing the policy.  If it is in the form of a letter to the editor of the school paper, choose examples for fellow students.  For example, it might be easier to get dressed on a busy morning with only a few choices for appropriate wear.

Writing and Editing the Essay
While writing the essay, make sure and stay focused on the topic.  Choose the examples that will best suit the comparison-and-contrast argument to the audience described in the essay scenario.  Flesh out both sides of the comparison-and contrast, making sure to take a clear stand on one position or another.  It doesn’t matter what position, as long as it is clearly stated.  Finally, read the essay to catch any spelling or grammar errors, and correct them neatly.

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