Grammar: Understanding Past Perfect Continuous

Grammar: Understanding Past Perfect Continuous

Grammar: Understanding Past Perfect Continuous 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

We use past perfect continuous to talk about longer actions or events that happened before or up to another action or event in the past. There are also other uses.

  • To express duration of a past action up to a certain point in the past

e.g. She had been waiting for 3 hours when we arrived.

  • To show cause of an action or situation

e.g. The grass was wet because it had been raining.

  • To express third conditional sentences

e.g. If it had not been raining, we could have gone out.



  • ‘Had been’ is used with subjects
  •  ‘Since’ is used definite time e.g. since morning, since yesterday, since 5 o’clock
  • ‘For’ is used with indefinite time e.g. for 2 years, 3 weeks, 4 hours

Positive form: Subject + had been + First form of Verb with ing + object + since/for + time


1. She had been working here for 5 years when she left.

2. He had been sleeping for 2 hours when I reached.

3. I had been studying for 3 hours.

Negative form: Subject + had + not + been+ First form of Verb with ing + since/for + time


  1. I had not been sleeping for 2 days.
  2. You had not been studying since morning.
  3. He had not been coming to work for 2 weeks.

Interrogative form: Had + Subject +been+ First form of Verb with ing + object + since/for + time?


  1. Had you been cooking since morning?
  2. Had he been sleeping since evening?
  3. Had you been sitting over 3 hours?

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