Multiplication and Division of Monomials

Multiplication and Division of Monomials

Multiplication and Division of Monomials 150 150 Deborah


Monomials can be multiplied and divided like any other algebraic expression. They can be simplified by applying the rules of exponents, if the bases are the same. It is not necessary to solve the equation for the values of the variables before operations can be performed.

Multiplying Monomials with More than One Variable:

Applying the definition of multiplication, a problem such as 3a(2c) can be simplified by multiplying 3a times 2c.  It is not necessary to solve for the values of a or c. Because of the Commutative Property of Multiplication, the factors can be rearranged, so that the problem becomes 3∙2∙a∙c, or 6ac. The result is still a monomial.

Multiplying Exponents:

If monomials are to be multiplied and the exponents have the same base, the exponents can be added to form the new monomial. Suppose the problem were 4a3(9a2). As before, use the Commutative Property of Multiplication to rearrange the factors, so that the problem becomes 4∙9∙a∙a∙a∙a∙a, or 36a5. If the problem were 2a2∙ 13b4, the exponents couldn’t be combined. The simplest form of the monomial would be 26a2b4.

Powers of Monomials:

If a monomial is raised to a power, it can be simplified with a single exponent. For example, (2x3)2 actually means 2x3∙2x3, or 4x6. Similarly, (3y2z)4 can be simplified as (34)(y2)4(z4) or 81y8z4. The general rule in algebraic terms is that (xa)b means xab. Also, (xy)a means the same thing as xaya, even when the monomial itself has a number of factors.

Dividing Monomials:

The definition of division is multiplying by the inverse of the denominator, so that (6x)/2 means the same as 6x ∙1/2 or 3x. If there are exponents in the numerator and the denominator, the exponents must be the same in order to simplify the expression. An expression such as 4x3/2x2 can be simplified further as (4x3)(1/2x-2) or (4∙1/2)(x3x-2). One half of 4 is 2, and by the definition of multiplying exponents with the same base, x3x-2 is the same thing as x3-2 or x1, or 2x. Another way to state the rule in algebraic terms is that if x is real and not equal to 0, then xa/xb means the same thing as xa-b.

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