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English Review of Plot 150 150 Deborah

English Review of Plot

Overview Plot is essential to any story. The sequence of events within the story are linked by cause and effect to produce a desired outcome, and keep readers engaged. Plots tend to follow a structure where the action rises to a climax, then falls as the situation is resolved for the characters. Exposition and Inciting…

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Science Review of Ground Water 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of Ground Water

Overview Not all water on Earth exists in lakes, rivers, and seas. Some water can be found underneath the surface of the Earth as ground water. Ground water is an important source of water for plants and irrigation. The Water Table Most soil, sediment, and sedimentary rock such as sandstone, is porous, so that rain…

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Science Review of Floods and Flood Plains 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of Floods and Flood Plains

Overview Large river systems and smaller rivers and streams often flood as a result of heavy rains and snowmelt. Land is submerged as the water level rises above its normal value and overflows its banks, so that water is over land that is usually dry. The 100-Year Flood Many streams flood regularly, but the water…

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Math Review of Exponents 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Exponents

Overview Just as positive exponents direct how many times that a base number can be multiplied by itself, zero and negative exponents direct a similar relationship between the base number and its exponent. Review of Positive Exponents A nonzero expression that contains an exponent of any value has 2 parts, the base and the exponent.…

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Math Review of Solving Systems of Linear Equations 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Solving Systems of Linear Equations

Overview Systems of linear equations can be solved by other methods than graphing, such as substitution and elimination. When solving by elimination, some systems can be solved by addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Solving Equations by Substitution Some systems of linear equations can be solved by solving first for one variable and then substituting that value…

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English Review of Types of Poetry 150 150 Deborah

English Review of Types of Poetry

Overview Some of the major types of poetry include narrative poetry, lyric poetry, and prose poetry. Narrative poetry tells a story, while lyric poetry creates a mood. Prose poetry also expresses heightened mood in brief capsules. Why Poetry? Poetry uses the sounds and qualities of language to express feeling. Some of the most obvious qualities…

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English Review of Rhetorical Patterns 150 150 Deborah

English Review of Rhetorical Patterns

Overview Writers can use particular types of rhetorical patterns to create personal essays, such as narration, description, how-to, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, classification and division, definition, and argument and persuasion. An effective essay intertwines various types of rhetoric. Narration and Description The most typical pattern is to narrate events in chronological order as…

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Science Review of Streams and the Water Cycle 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of Streams and the Water Cycle

Overview Fresh water on Earth can be found in rivers, streams, lakes, and underground reservoirs. It is a small but important percentage of all water, since over 97 percent is seawater. The water cycle is the process of water circulation from the surface to the atmosphere and back again. Characteristics of Streams Streams are created…

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Science Review of the Search for Water on Mars 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of the Search for Water on Mars

Overview Scientists have recently announced that there is evidence of water on Mars. Salty water appears to flow down steep slopes during the warmer months, and frozen ice caps and underground slabs of ice seem to melt. However, direct exploration of those fragile features carries risk of contamination. Streaks of Salty Water As recently as…

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Math Review of Systems of Linear Equations 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Systems of Linear Equations

Overview Linear equations can form a system if two or more equations contain the same linear variables. A solution to a system of linear equations must be correct for both equations in the system. If a value solves one equation in the system but not the other, it is not a solution. Is It a…

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