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Math Review of Variables and Expressions 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Variables and Expressions

Overview The language of algebra is written in symbols, numerals, variables, constants, and expressions. In order to be successful in math, students should be able to translate its language into words and words into math language. Numerals and many symbols should already be familiar, as well as many operations with real numbers. Common Symbols and…

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Science Review: The Search for Extrasolar Planets 150 150 Deborah

Science Review: The Search for Extrasolar Planets

Overview Astronomers have observed planets orbiting other stars in the Milky Way galaxy and in other galaxies. Some of these objects are below the mass of Earth, while others are larger than the planet Jupiter. Over 1900 extrasolar planets are registered, many found by telescopes in space, such as the Kepler Space Mission. Definition of a…

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Science Review of Planetary Magnetospheres 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of Planetary Magnetospheres

Overview The magnetosphere around a planet is the area of space where charged particles are controlled by its magnetic field. In the Solar System, Jupiter and Earth have the strongest magnetospheres because of the strength of well-developed magnetic fields. Close to the surface of a planet, the lines of force of the magnetic field look…

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Science Review: More about the Sun 150 150 Deborah

Science Review: More about the Sun

Overview More is known about the Sun than any other star, because the details of its structure, its features, and its effects can be observed at relatively close range. The magnetic field of the Sun leads to changes in solar activity, such as the number and timing of sunspots and solar flares. Telescopic observations and solar…

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Science Review of the Sun 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of the Sun

Overview The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is 149,600,000 km from Earth, and generates its own energy. At its core, nuclear fusion converts hydrogen to helium. Vast amounts of energy radiate outward to the surface. The Sun is surrounded by an atmospheric layer that includes the corona. The…

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Science Review of Beyond the Kuiper Belt 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of Beyond the Kuiper Belt

Overview Parts of the Solar System are beyond the great distances of the Kuiper Belt. These bodies may have a close approach to the Sun within 30 to 50 AU, but their orbits are so eccentric and elliptical that their furthest point is over 100 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun. These…

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Science Review of the Kuiper Belt 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of the Kuiper Belt

Overview The Kuiper Belt is located between the orbit of Neptune at 30 AU, or 30 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun, and 50 AU. It contains many icy objects, including dwarf planets Pluto, Haumea, and Makemake, and smaller planetoids. The New Horizons probe is scheduled to transmit pictures from that region…

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Science Review of Pluto and Charon 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of Pluto and Charon

Overview The dwarf planet Pluto is more than 5.8 billion kilometers away from the Sun, about 40 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun. Its largest moon, Charon, is about half its size. From the time it was discovered in 1930 to 2006, Pluto was called the ninth planet in the Solar System.…

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Science Review of the Planet Neptune 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of the Planet Neptune

Overview The planet Neptune is the 8th planet from the Sun, at a distance over 30 times the distance the Earth is from the Sun, 4.5 billion km. It is an ice giant, similar to the planet Uranus. Its location was predicted mathematically before it was ever observed by telescope. The Planet Neptune The mass…

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Science Review of the Planet Uranus 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of the Planet Uranus

Overview The planet Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It is about 3 billion km from the Sun, or about 20 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun. It is a giant planet composed mostly of ice. Its system of icy moons and dark rings is complex, and the planet is…

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