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Review of Setting Goals for the SAT 150 150 Deborah

Review of Setting Goals for the SAT

Overview One of the ways to guide preparation for the SAT is for students to set goals for their performance. Goals should be SMART; specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. They can be set with help from teachers and tutors to bolster problem areas and support strengths. Specific Goals Guided by Practice Most students have years…

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Science Review of the Formation and Structure of the Earth 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of the Formation and Structure of the Earth

Overview The planet Earth was once part of the cloud surrounding the sun. Scientists believe that as it condensed and cooled, it formed into layers. The crust is a rocky shell that surrounds the mantle, and the mantle surrounds a molten iron-nickel core. Formation of the Solar System Before the solar system was formed, it…

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Science Review of Minerals 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of Minerals

Overview Minerals make up rocks. They are natural rather than synthetic, inorganic, and solid. Minerals have a distinct crystalline structure and chemical composition. Types of Elements The most common elements that are naturally found in the earth’s crust are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Other elements are much less common. Although…

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SAT Review of Improving Paragraphs 150 150 Deborah

SAT Review of Improving Paragraphs

Overview The Improving Paragraphs subtest of the SAT Writing Test allows students to demonstrate editing and revision skills on a larger scale than the Improving Sentences section. They are required to read portions of a rough draft of an essay and make judgments about word usage and organization. Questions are multiple-choice in this section. Methods…

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SAT Review of Improving Sentences 150 150 Deborah

SAT Review of Improving Sentences

Overview The Improving Sentences subtest of the SAT Writing test looks very similar to the Identifying Sentence Errors subtest. Students are expected to focus upon one phrase within a target sentence and follow directions to choose the same phrase or among four different alternatives. The goal is to produce a sentence that is clear, concise,…

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SAT Review of Characteristics of Effective Writing 150 150 Deborah

SAT Review of Characteristics of Effective Writing

Overview The SAT tests writing skills for prospective college students with sentence-based and paragraph-based multiple-choice questions, as well as an essay on demand. Some of the characteristics of effective writing include consistency, logical expression of ideas, clarity and precision, and appropriate use of conventions. Since students must be able to recognize errors in their own…

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SAT Review of Identifying Sentence Errors 150 150 Deborah

SAT Review of Identifying Sentence Errors

Overview One of the subtests of the SAT Writing portion is Identifying Sentence Errors. These multiple-choice questions ask students to recognize errors in grammar, usage, word choice, and idioms. During preparation for the SAT, it is best to identify the error and correct it. There are a few sentences that don’t have any errors at…

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SAT Review of Practice for the Essay Section 150 150 Deborah

SAT Review of Practice for the Essay Section

Overview The essay section of the SAT Writing exam gives students the opportunity to write a coherent first draft of an essay in response to a prompt. It is usually the first section of the exam. The topic of the essay is presented in question form, and is accompanied by one or two quotations. The…

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Physics Review of Types of Force 150 150 Deborah

Physics Review of Types of Force

Overview The fundamental types of force are gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear. All other forces, such as friction and centrifugal force, are special cases of those forces. Physicists understand forces as resulting from the interaction of systems and fields. Gravity Gravitational force is the attraction between physical bodies. It is a weak force…

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Science Review of the Rock Cycle 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of the Rock Cycle

  Overview Although the history of human civilization on earth goes back thousands of years, geologic time stretches back over billions of years. During geologic time, even rocks change from one type to another. The slow cycle of change from one rock type to another is called the rock cycle. The Rock Cycle Melted magma…

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