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Biology Review of Mosses 150 150 Deborah

Biology Review of Mosses

Overview: Mosses are types of small plants that grow close to the ground.  They require large amounts of water to live, as they have no structures to store and transport water.  Some forms of mosses, such as peat moss, are important commercially. What Are Mosses? Typical mosses are very small plants, usually between 1 and…

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Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides 150 150 Deborah

Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides

Overview: To solve equations with the variable on both sides, move all variables to one side or another.  This can be accomplished by using the addition or subtraction principle of equality.  Another way to make sure that all the variables are on one side or the other is by removing all grouping symbols.  It is…

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More Problem-Solving Strategies: Working Backwards 150 150 Deborah

More Problem-Solving Strategies: Working Backwards

Overview: Working backwards is another way to solve some math problems.  If the result is given at the end of a series, follow each step until the problem is complete.  Then check each step to make sure each one is correct. What Facts Are Known? As in all math problems, read the problem very carefully…

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Biological Classification of Living Organisms 150 150 Deborah

Biological Classification of Living Organisms

Overview: Different forms of classification of living organisms have been proposed to account for their biological diversity.  The earliest classification called for just two different types:  plants and animals.  As more organisms were discovered that were neither plants nor animals, other classifications were proposed. How Do Plants and Animals Differ? The main way that plants…

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Nonstandard English: Troubleshooting Idiom Errors on the SAT and ACT 160 128 School Tutoring

Nonstandard English: Troubleshooting Idiom Errors on the SAT and ACT

Overview: The English usage that is tested on standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, is formal academic English.  It may or may not reflect how students usually speak or even write.  The term idiom error refers to formal usage rather than common usage. Similar Meanings and Spellings The difference between using the correct…

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Chemistry Introduction to Atomic Structure and Isotopes 150 150 Deborah

Chemistry Introduction to Atomic Structure and Isotopes

 Overview: The earliest models of atomic structure were concerned only with the way substances behaved in chemical reactions.  Atoms were thought to be the smallest particles of elements, but they were self-contained.  It was a mystery of how they differed from one another. What Are the Main Particles Within an Atom? The main subatomic particles…

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Chemistry Review of Acids, Bases, and Salts 150 150 Deborah

Chemistry Review of Acids, Bases, and Salts

Overview: Acids, bases, and salts are chemical compounds that are defined by their properties and chemical reactions with one another.  Their strength is measured with indicators, such as litmus paper. What Are Common Acids? Some common acids include hydrochloric acid (HCl), acetic acid, found in vinegar, and citric acid, found in citrus fruits.  Many have…

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Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, and Mode 556 333 School Tutoring

Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, and Mode

Overview:  What Are Measures of Central Tendency? Measures of central tendency represent the most typical score or value in a group of scores on some measure in either a population or a sample of that population.  Along with measures of variability, they convey much information about a distribution.  The three most common measurements are the…

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Math Review of Problem-Solving Strategies: Writing Equations 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Problem-Solving Strategies: Writing Equations

Overview: The next step in solving a verbal problem is to write an equation that takes into account the relevant information in the problem.  After reading the problem carefully, summarize the numerical information in the form of a chart or table.  Then choose variables for the unspecified information. Will Another Reading Help? It is often…

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Quantum-Mechanical Theory of the Atom 150 150 Deborah

Quantum-Mechanical Theory of the Atom

Overview In the earlier discussion of atomic theory as it relates to chemistry, protons and neutrons were described as being within the nuclei of atoms.  Electrons were in orbit around the nuclei, and were given up or added in the process of ionization.  The orbits of electrons are not in fixed, measureable positions, but can…

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