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Review of Capitalization 150 150 Deborah

Review of Capitalization

Overview: Capitalizing words within a sentence or title alerts readers to the importance of those words.  Besides the first word beginning a sentence, proper nouns, special events, some awards, specific dates, and holidays are capitalized.  Key words are capitalized within titles of works. What Are Some General Rules? The first word of any type of…

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Back-to-School Spelling Review of Plurals 150 150 Deborah

Back-to-School Spelling Review of Plurals

 Overview: Most plurals are regular and formed by adding -s or -es.  However, other words, such as child, have irregular plural forms.  A few words, such as deer and sheep, do not have a plural form at all. What Are Regular Forms that Add S? Many nouns form plurals by adding -s, such as pencil,…

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Review of Physical and Chemical Changes 150 150 Deborah

Review of Physical and Chemical Changes

 Overview All matter can undergo physical and chemical changes.  While physical changes do not affect the composition of matter, chemical changes transform one type of matter to another type of matter through chemical reactions.  Without chemical reactions, many processes would not be possible, including life itself. What Are Physical Changes? If a substance changes physically,…

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Math Review of Graphs and Tables 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Graphs and Tables

Overview: Graphs and tables are good ways to show mathematical relationships and display data.  They are an important part of solving problems and illustrating trends.  Although the same information can be listed in a paragraph of facts, it is much harder to follow. What about Tables? Writing data in the form of a table is…

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Review of Open Sentences in Mathematics 150 150 Deborah

Review of Open Sentences in Mathematics

Overview: Open sentences in mathematics are sentences that contain variables.  They can be true or false depending upon the numbers that are substituted for the variables.  Solving open sentences to make them true is an important part of algebra. What Are Numerical Expressions? Numerical expressions contain numbers only, such as 4/5, 2 + 4 =…

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Review of Order of Operations and Parentheses in Mathematics 150 150 Deborah

Review of Order of Operations and Parentheses in Mathematics

Overview The order of operations is a set of rules in algebra to define what operations must be done first in order to obtain the correct answer to a problem.  Without sequencing rules, it would be possible to work problems and get different answers depending on the way the numbers and variables are combined.  Instead,…

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Math Review of the Distributive Property 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of the Distributive Property

Overview: The Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition is a good way to simplify calculations.  It combines two different operations in a shortcut to make solving variables easier. The Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition The general rule for this property is for any numbers a, b, and x , ax + bx = (a…

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Math Review of Commutative and Associative Properties 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Commutative and Associative Properties

Overview:  Properties of Addition and Multiplication The commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication are useful within operations.  Both properties help students to arrange and group numbers more effectively.  However, these properties do not hold for either subtraction or division. What Is the Commutative Property? The commutative property of addition and multiplication states that…

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Using Prepositions and Conjunctions on the SAT and ACT 160 128 School Tutoring

Using Prepositions and Conjunctions on the SAT and ACT

Overview:  Why Prepositions and Conjunctions? Both prepositions and conjunctions show relationships between words within sentences.  It is important to use both types correctly, as changing either the preposition in a prepositional phrase or the conjunction can change the direction and meaning of the sentence.  Although they may be overlooked during proofreading, the correct preposition or…

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Math Review of Estimation 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Estimation

Overview: Estimation is the process of approximating answers in common situations.  Sometimes the exact value is not necessary, as when estimating the number of people who attend an outdoor concert.  Sometimes it is easier to use approximate figures, such as when estimating the amount to add for tax or a tip.  The most common forms…

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