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Taking College Courses in High School 556 333 School Tutoring

Taking College Courses in High School

If you’re planning on going to college after graduating high school, you may want to consider getting started early. Many schools allow students to take advanced placement courses for college credits. While these classes will certainly be more challenging, and possibly more time-consuming, than your regular classes, there are also some benefits to taking them.…

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Back to School: SchoolTutoring Academy Reviews Area and Perimeter 150 150 Deborah

Back to School: SchoolTutoring Academy Reviews Area and Perimeter

Overview: Area and perimeter are two important measurements of a geometric figure.  The area is the number of units enclosed within its surface, and the measurement of the distance around its boundaries is the perimeter.  The perimeter is usually measured in units and the area, in square units. Area and Perimeter of Rectangles The area…

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A Biology Review of DNA 150 150 Deborah

A Biology Review of DNA

Overview:  What Is DNA? Genes are made of DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid.  It is a very long molecule made  of the nitrogen-carrying bases adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine, phosphates, and the sugar deoxyribose.  The long molecule is in an unique double helix shape, which allows a large amount of chemical information to be processed,…

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Math Review: Equality and Inequality of Fractions 150 150 Deborah

Math Review: Equality and Inequality of Fractions

Overview: What Are Fractions? Fractions consist of a numerator, a, and a denominator, b, so that the fraction takes the form a/b.  The denominator is the number of equal parts in a whole, and the numerator is the number of parts considered.  For example, if a pizza is divided into 8 equal pieces, and 3 pieces…

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Math Review of Combinations and Permutations 340 250 School Tutoring

Math Review of Combinations and Permutations

Overview Mathematical combinations occur in problems that involve the number of ways that sets can be combined, where order does not matter.  Permutations are similar arrangements, but order does matter.  They are related through principles of multiplication and arrangements involving factorials. How Many Choices Are There? If the problem is merely a combination of a…

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Is there Really No Error in the Sentence? 171 295 School Tutoring

Is there Really No Error in the Sentence?

Overview:  No Error One of the ways English and grammar skills are tested on the SAT, ACT, and other standardized tests is to ask students to decide if a sentence has errors.  Students are then asked to choose from alternatives, including the trap for the unwary, “No error”.  It is a similar trap to its…

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Biology Review of Genetic Behavior 150 150 Deborah

Biology Review of Genetic Behavior

Overview:  What Is Genetic Behavior? Morgan’s discovery of gender-linked traits was further evidence that genes were located on chromosomes.  However, other research indicated that the behavior of genes during meiosis was sometimes more complex than with gender-linked traits.  With the development of more powerful techniques of observation, specific genes could sometimes be located. What Is…

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Biology Review of Chromosome Theory 150 150 Deborah

Biology Review of Chromosome Theory

Overview:  What Is the Chromosome Theory? The results of Mendel’s experiments on cross-breeding pea plants led to principles of heredity, but he wasn’t able to observe either chromosomes or genes in cells.  Microscopes in his time weren’t strong enough to detect those features.  In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, scientists observed the processes of…

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A Statistics Review of Confidence Intervals 150 150 Deborah

A Statistics Review of Confidence Intervals

Overview:  What Is a Confidence Interval? Unless the population is small enough to determine each member, researchers cannot know the exact value of the population mean.  However, using statistical techniques, it can be predicted that the mean falls within a certain range, called the confidence interval.  Using properties of sample size, standard deviation, and probability…

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A Biology Review of Mutations 150 150 Deborah

A Biology Review of Mutations

Overview:  What Are Mutations? Although the process of DNA transmission and replication is usually flawless in the next generation of cells, sometimes there are coding errors.   These errors pass on and are expressed in the next generation.  Sometimes they involve a single gene, and sometimes they involve an entire chromosome.  They are called mutations. What…

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