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A Review of Math Fundamentals: Place Value 150 150 Deborah

A Review of Math Fundamentals: Place Value

Overview:  Place Value and Numeration Systems The earliest representations of numbers were simple tally marks.  As long as the numbers involved were not very large, tally marks were sufficient.  As soon as larger numbers were necessary to conduct transactions, a system was needed to represent them.  These systems involved grouping, with symbols  to mark the…

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A Review of Math Fundamentals: Operations with Decimals 150 150 Deborah

A Review of Math Fundamentals: Operations with Decimals

Overview:  What Are Decimals? The word decimal has a Latin root that means “10”.  Any number written in base 10 (which is the numerical base that we generally use) is already expressed in a decimal value.  The digits to the left of the decimal point are increasing powers of 10, and to the right of…

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Let’s Do Some Math Review of Measurement Systems 150 150 Deborah

Let’s Do Some Math Review of Measurement Systems

Overview:  Why Measurement? The earliest systems of measurement used natural phenomena such as the rotation of the earth (day), phases of the moon (month), and the seasons of the year.  Units of measurement soon became standardized, often to the measurements of the king.  For example, King  Henry I decreed that the yard was the distance…

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A Review of Math Fundamentals: Factors and Multiples 150 150 Deborah

A Review of Math Fundamentals: Factors and Multiples

Overview:  Primes and Composites The definition of a prime number is any whole number greater than 1 that has only itself and 1 as factors.  For example, the number 23 has only itself and 23 as factors that divide it evenly without a remainder.  A composite number is any number greater than 1 that has…

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Biology Review of Genetics and Probability 150 150 Deborah

Biology Review of Genetics and Probability

Overview:  Chance and Probability Geneticists use the principles of chance  and probability to express the results of genetic experiments with pea plants, as well as other plants and animals.  In mathematical terms, probability refers to the fraction (or percentage, in decimals) of times an event can occur.  According to the product rule for independent events.…

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Proofreading for Errors in Capitalization, Spelling, and Punctuation 171 295 School Tutoring

Proofreading for Errors in Capitalization, Spelling, and Punctuation

Overview:  What Are Mechanical Errors? Although many proofreading questions on the English portion of the SAT and ACT are to catch errors in standard English usage, some questions involve errors in capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.  These types of mechanical errors are also common in everyday writing, such as classroom and test essays.  While many spelling…

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Math Basics: A Review of Division 150 150 Deborah

Math Basics: A Review of Division

Overview:  What Is Division? Division is the inverse of multiplication.  For example, 20/5 =4, because 4 X 5 = 20.  Expressed in terms of a mathematical definition, for any whole number s, when s does not equal zero, r/s = z only if r = s X z.  The number that is the answer is…

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SAT and ACT Reading Comprehension: Using Sentence Context to Identify Meaning 300 300 School Tutoring

SAT and ACT Reading Comprehension: Using Sentence Context to Identify Meaning

Overview:  Sentence Context Adds Power Skilled readers use the powerful tool of sentence context to approximate the meaning of unfamiliar words, when the meaning is not apparent from prefixes, roots, and suffixes.  It is a largely unconscious process, and can help students taking the SAT, ACT, or other tests choose the correct answer from alternatives. …

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SchoolTutoring Reviews: Basics of Heredity 150 150 Deborah

SchoolTutoring Reviews: Basics of Heredity

Overview:  What Were Mendel’s Experiments? Mendel conducted  experiments with simple garden pea plants in order to study plant breeding.  His experiments were so successful because the plants grew quickly and self-pollinated, ensuring that traits would “breed true” and appear rapidly in successive generations. He kept careful and systematic records, and studied traits that had obvious…

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Identifying Fact and Opinion in Reading Passages 150 150 Deborah

Identifying Fact and Opinion in Reading Passages

Overview:  Fact or Opinion In order to read effectively in middle and high school, students must be able to identify and comprehend which statements are fact, and  which are  opinion.  This is an essential part of understanding the meaning of the passage, whether it is read as part of an assignment in school or in…

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