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ACT Review: Conservation of Energy 304 234 School Tutoring

ACT Review: Conservation of Energy

Conservation of Energy The idea of conservation of energy is that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed into a different form. Different forms of energy include sound, heat, light, kinetic and potential. If a ball is dropped from the sky from rest, it begins with a large amount of gravitational…

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Functions: Domain and Range 293 290 School Tutoring

Functions: Domain and Range

Functions have a domain and range and can be found in two ways. If the function is graphed, the domain and range can be identified from the picture, or the domain and range can be found algebraically with some reasoning. Domain The domain of a function is the set of all x-values that have a…

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Writing Review: Commas 445 445 School Tutoring

Writing Review: Commas

The comma is a versatile writing tool that are used in all formats of writing. Although they are used regularly, they are often over used! It is important to remember to use commas only when you can identify the rule that calls for a comma. Here are a few different ways commas can be used.…

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Trigonometric Identities 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Trigonometric Identities

An  identity is a mathematical statement which equates any two mathematical expressions. In algebra we have the following identities which are mostly used in factoring the expressions. (a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 (a-b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 Similarly, we have identities even in Trigonometry which are mostly used in solving trigonometric…

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Biology: Levels of Organiation 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Biology: Levels of Organiation

Biology: Levels of Organization Organization is the arrangement of smaller components of nay structure, system or situation into larger ones and larger ones into still larger ones in hierarchy, where components of each level coordinate with one another towards a common goal. Organisation is sort of hierarchy or pyramid of levels where each level is…

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Geometry Shapes: Trapezoid (Trapezium) 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Geometry Shapes: Trapezoid (Trapezium)

A trapezoid also called a trapezium is a quadrilateral in which a pair of opposite sides is parallel. A trapezium becomes an isosceles trapezium if its sides which are not parallel are equal in length. In a trapezium, the parallel sides are called the bases and the other two sides are called its legs. The…

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Tautology and Logical Equivalence 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Tautology and Logical Equivalence

In writing, statements can be evaluated in regard to one another. Depending on their relation, they may be observed as a Tautology or a Logical Equivalence. Tautology: If we consider a sentence, It is cool or it is not cool, it is the disjunction of a statement and its negation. These type of sentences can…

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Abstract Art… and Math! 150 150 Suzanne

Abstract Art… and Math!

Here’s an interesting thing about abstract thinking or reasoning: it doesn’t seem like looking at an abstract painting and developing abstract reasoning in Math are all that similar, but in fact, they have some useful similarities. This is helpful because it expands the understanding of how to conduct abstract reasoning, and may inform its development…

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Intercepts of a Line 300 300 School Tutoring

Intercepts of a Line

Given an equation of a line in any form, we are able to find the x and y intercepts of a line using some properties. Y-Intercept All points on the y-axis have one thing in common. They all have an x coordinate of 0. Due to this property, we can find the y-intercept by substituting…

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ACT Science: Force and Energy 259 194 School Tutoring

ACT Science: Force and Energy

In Physics, force and energy are the most important concepts that students learn in their high school. Force is mass multiplied by acceleration. Energy is Force multiplied by distance. Today, we are going to focus on different types of forces and energy. Force is mass times acceleration. If a car with a mass of 1000kg…

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