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SAT Skills: Tips for Writing Faster 160 128 School Tutoring

SAT Skills: Tips for Writing Faster

Being able to write quickly is undeniably a sought after skill. It allows us to save a lot of time which can be particularly helpful when writing a test. Although everyone wants to be able to write as rapidly as possible, many people find it very difficult to write any faster than they already do.…

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Forces: Types of Friction 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Forces: Types of Friction

Friction is the force that develops at the surfaces of contact of two bodies and impedes (opposes) their relative motion. e.g. air on an aircraft or water in a pipe. It is not a fundamental force, as it is derived from electromagnetic forces between atoms and electrons, and so cannot be calculated from first principles,…

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ACT Sciences: Electrons and Quantum Numbers 701 330 School Tutoring

ACT Sciences: Electrons and Quantum Numbers

Quantum numbers allow a new model to explain the emission spectra of elements with more than 1 electron. There are 4 quantum numbers: n, l, ml and ms. The first 3 numbers describe the orbitals and the last one describes the number of electrons that can be in the orbital. Principal Quantum Number (n) –…

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SAT English: Building Vocabulary Knowledge for Critical Reading 476 309 School Tutoring

SAT English: Building Vocabulary Knowledge for Critical Reading

One aspect of the SAT that many students struggle with is the heavy importance placed on knowledge of vocabulary by the makers of the test. A large part of the critical reading section is sentence completion, which is entirely dependent on one’s ability to recognize the words listed, and determine whether they fit in the…

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Cognitive Friday: Finding Motivation 150 150 Suzanne

Cognitive Friday: Finding Motivation

Figuring out the best way to motivate a child, or teaching them how to find their own motivation, can be a delicate balance. There is no one-size-fits-all policy on this. Motivation is a function of brain processes, and each brain is unique, and so each requires different types of motivation. Adults are known to ask,…

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Geometry: An Introduction to Triangles 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Geometry: An Introduction to Triangles

A triangle is a closed curve which is formed by 3 line segments. The line segments by which the triangle is formed are called sides of the triangle. The points of intersections of the sides of the triangle are called the vertices of the triangle. The angles formed at the vertices are called the angles…

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SAT Math: The Symbol Problem 200 166 School Tutoring

SAT Math: The Symbol Problem

The symbol problem is a recurring theme in the SAT mathematics session. What I’m referring to as the symbol problem is a particular problem type that appears on almost every SAT. The way it works that is a symbol such as @, which has no normal mathematical significance, is introduced as a function that takes…

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Geometry: Relations of Lines 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Geometry: Relations of Lines

In Geometry, lines can relate in a variety of ways, such as intersecting, and transverse. Intersecting lines: Two or more lines which are passing through a common point are called intersecting lines. Transverse: Many times we might have observed that some railway lines crossing many other lines. This gives the concept of transversal. A transversal…

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DNA Transcription 437 180 School Tutoring

DNA Transcription

Transcription is the process in which RNA is made from DNA. The strand of RNA is made complementary to the DNA. In eukaryotes, this process occurs in the nucleus, while in prokaryotes, it occurs in the cytoplasm. The DNA strand is read, 3’-5’, but the RNA is made in the opposite, 5’-3’, direction. Initiation –…

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Molecules: Intermolecular Forces 896 319 School Tutoring

Molecules: Intermolecular Forces

Intermolecular forces are the forces that exist between 2 individual molecules. This is different from intramolecular forces, which are the forces that exist within a molecule (ie. ionic/covalent bonds). Intermolecular forces are generally described by a general term, Van der Waals forces. Dipole-dipole Force – the attraction of a dipole on one molecule for the dipole of another…

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