Renewable and Non-renewable Sources of Energy

Renewable and Non-renewable Sources of Energy

Renewable and Non-renewable Sources of Energy 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

One of the most important resources is energy. Energy is needed to warm our homes, to run factories and vehicles, to light  streets and even recycle materials.

Nowadays much energy is supplied as electricity, often generated by burning fossil fuel such as coal, oil and gas. Although the amounts of these fuels present in the Earth are greater than was once thought, they will eventually run out. Therefore, these fossil fuels are often described as non-renewable resources. Once they have been used up, they cannot be replaced. Burning these fuels also causes pollution.

Some sources of energy are describes as renewable resources because there is no foreseeable way they can run out. For example, the wind blows strongly and continuously in measurable variations, so it can be used to turn a windmill and create electricity. Using tides or sunlight to generate electricity is also described as renewable.

In view of the importance of energy for the agricultural growth and industrialization of our world, we have to put greater efforts to find new sources of power, intelligently use our known ones, and avoid their wasteful use.

As a result of sustained efforts of our scientists, engineers, technologists and policy planners we have succeeded in developing  and harnessing many alternative sources of power that are inexhaustible as well as environmental friendly.

The advantages of non-renewable resources are cost and availability. Many of our services are highly energy consuming and run off of non-renewable energy sources. These have very little  true competition from similar or comparable products that utilize renewable sources. For example, it is difficult to find a car or truck that runs off of rechargeable battery power, solar power, or electricity.  The disadvantage of non-renewable energy sources, is that they are gone once depleted. Examples include Natural gas, oil, or coal etc. It also devastates the environment.

Renewable energy provides a clean environment . They are cost efficient, and are a market-based commodity that can be produced to demand. However, until this type of power source is fully integrated into the market, it will remain more expensive and not easily available as a viable competitor.


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