nuclear fusion

Science Review of Plasma

Science Review of Plasma 150 150 Deborah

Overview Plasma is often called the fourth state of matter, as it has properties different from all the other states.  Most of the matter contained in stars, interstellar clouds, and…

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Science Review of Stellar Structure and Nuclear Reactions inside Stars

Science Review of Stellar Structure and Nuclear Reactions inside Stars 150 150 Deborah

Overview The nuclear energy that powers stars depends upon the core temperature and the available fuel. During the main-sequence phase for most stars, nuclear fusion of 4 hydrogen atoms to…

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Science Introduction to the Life Cycle of Stars

Science Introduction to the Life Cycle of Stars 150 150 Deborah

Overview Stellar evolution is the theory of the life cycle of stars. Scientists observe many different stars at various stages, starting with the earliest condensations from clouds of nebular gas…

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The Formation of Stars

The Formation of Stars 150 150 Deborah

Overview:  How Stars Are Made Astronomers and physicists have theorized that stellar formation happens when clouds of gas and interstellar dust collapse, molecules of hydrogen attract one another, and nuclear…

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