
Locus – A Curve

Locus – A Curve 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Locus is a set of points where each point satisfies a given specific condition. Thus, locus is usually a curve. In particular, a locus can be a circle, a line,…

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Distance Between Two Parallel Lines

Distance Between Two Parallel Lines 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

We know that the perpendicular distance from origin to a straight line whose equation is a+by+c=0 is |c|/√(a2+b2). Also, we know that the perpendicular distance from (h,k) to ax+by+c=0 is,…

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Algebra: How to do Vector Product (Cross Product)

Algebra: How to do Vector Product (Cross Product) 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

In vector product of vectors, the vector components are combined to give a vector. The vector product of two vectors is a vector which is perpendicular to both the given…

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Geometry: Relations of Lines

Geometry: Relations of Lines 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

In Geometry, lines can relate in a variety of ways, such as intersecting, and transverse. Intersecting lines: Two or more lines which are passing through a common point are called…

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Writing the Equations of Parallel Lines

Writing the Equations of Parallel Lines 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Two lines are said to be parallel if the angle between them is zero. There is a result on parallel line which is states as : “Two lines are parallel…

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