Types of Numbers – Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers

Types of Numbers – Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers

Types of Numbers – Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A number is used to count and measure. Numbers are classified according to type. Below are different types of numbers.

Natural numbers:

Denoted by N, are counting numbers from 1, 2, 3, 4,……Natural numbers are used for counting and ordering.

Whole numbers:

 Denoted by W, are natural numbers including 0. They are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4……


Denoted by Z, these are whole numbers with negative numbers. These are the set containing the positive and negative numbers together with zero.

Rational Numbers:

Denoted by Q, rational numbers are of form a/b, where a and be are integers. Rational numbers include fractions:

Proper fraction: fractions less than 1. e.g. 3/4, 7/3

Improper fraction: fractions greater than 1. e.g. 8/5, 9/2

Mixed fraction: consists of whole number and a proper fraction. e.g. 4 1/3, 8 2/9

Decimal numbers, Powers and square roots may also form rational numbers.

Irrational Numbers:

Denoted by Q1, these are numbers that cannot be expressed at fraction (or ratio). They may be endless (non-terminating) non-repeating decimals.

Real Numbers:

Denoted by R, it consists of natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers. Irrational numbers are Real numbers but not all Real numbers are irrational numbers.

R = Q + Q1

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