Biology Tutors
We offer comprehensive biology tutoring programs to students at all levels
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SchoolTutoring Academy’s offers Biology tutoring for students in grades 9-12 and AP-level classes with one-on-one instruction in various areas and topics in Biology.
Find out how to get started with a Biology tutor from SchoolTutoring Academy.
Contact our Academic Directors Today at 1-877-545-7737 to Discuss your Child’s Strengths and Areas for Improvement.
Biology Tutoring Program Details
SchoolTutoring Academy’s Biology tutors put an emphasis on teaching the fundamentals of Biology using observations from everyday life and illustrative reference materials. Our program includes lesson plans that cover:
- Basic Concepts
Topics covered include: Chemical Basis of Life; Biologically Significant Molecules; Energy and the Living Cell; Cell Membranes; Cells and Energy - Photosynthesis
Topics covered include: Light Independent and Light Dependent Reactions; Study of Plants; Principles of Homeostasis; The Nervous System and its Role in Homeostasis; The Endocrine Systems; Behavioral Homeostasis; - Genetics
Topics covered include: Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles; Mendelian Genetics; Molecular Aspects of Genes; DNA - Evolution
Topics covered include: Organic Evolution; Theory of Evolution; Natural Selection; The Origin of Species; Biological Diversity; Plant and Animal Diversity - Animal Behavior
Topics covered include: Ecology; Ecology and Biosphere

Our Approach Builds Confidence
Our Biology tutors will expertly guide students through the process so that students gain confidence in being able to tackle similar problems on their own. At SchoolTutoring Academy, we find that when students understand how Biology applies in their lives, they learn to appreciate and often begin to enjoy looking for patterns, recognizing connections and reasoning logically to come up with solutions.
Contact Our Academic Directors Today
Put your child on the path to Biology class success today. When you call our Academic Directors at 1-877-545-7737, you will learn more about how a Biology tutor from SchoolTutoring Academy can help them improve their skills and confidence.
Meet Our Tutors
Meet Some of Our Biology Tutors
Each of them is highly-qualified K-12 and university educators

Ibrahim E. – Math/Science Tutor – Jersey City, NJ

Leland G. – Math/Science Tutor – Rutherford, NJ

James F. – Science Tutor – Boyceville, WI

Testimonials and Case Studies from Our Parents
SchoolTutoring Academy has played an important role in improving our son’s confidence and attitude towards school. His grades have also improved steadily throughout the school year.
My daughter was very self-conscious about her difficulties with the math section of the SAT. SchoolTutoring Academy’s Academic Directors created an action plan that boosted my daughter’s score and confidence level.
SchoolTutoring Academy has not only improved my son’s standardized test scores but also his high school math and English grades. Test Prep Academy has not only improved my son’s standardized test scores but also his high school math and English grades.
SchoolTutoring Academy Increased My SAT Score By 200 Points
My son’s math marks in high school have always been weak so I found it very beneficial that his ACT tutor worked on solidifying his fundamentals while prepping for the ACT.
SchoolTutoring Academy gave my daughter the confidence she needed to boost her SAT score Thank you!
SchoolTutoring has played an important role in improving our son’s confidence and attitude towards school. His grades have also improved steadily throughout the school year.
My daughter was able to improve her test scores after a few months of tutoring with SchoolTutoring. However, while raising test scores is great, the real payoff is in the self-confidence that she gained.
I just wanted to send a quick note to say thank-you! My son is very impressed with his tutor and looks forward to each session. What’s particularly amazing about this is our son has never really looked forward to math or school for that matter!
We are so happy with the results of your tutoring program and academic support. Homework time was such a stressful evening for the entire evening before we brought your tutors into our home. Thank you for all your help!
Our daughter, a first grader, struggled with basic reading and handwriting. When she began with SchoolTutoring she was almost a year behind her class. Within a year of being enrolled, she is reading above her grade level and has the confidence to match.
SchoolTutoring Academy regularly receives letters and emails from parents about their experience with our programs. Have a great story or anecdote about your experience with any of SchoolTutoring Academy’s programs? We want to hear about it!