Understanding Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Understanding Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Understanding Present Perfect Continuous Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The present tense locates an event or a situation in present time. Present perfect continuous tense is used to express an action that started in past and is still going on.

Example: They have been living in this city for five years.


  • ‘Has been’ is used with singular subjects
  • ‘Have been’ is used with I, you and plural subjects
  • ‘Since’ is used definite time e.g. since morning, since yesterday, since 5 o’clock
  • ‘For’ is used with indefinite time e.g. for 2 years, 3 weeks, 4 hours

Positive form: Subject + has / have been + First form of Verb with ing + object + since/for + time


1. I have been waiting for you since morning.
2. He has been working here for 2 years.
3. He has been studying for 3 hours.

Negative form: Subject + has/ have + not + been+ First form of Verb with ing + since/for + time


  1. I have not been sleeping for 2 days.
  2. She has not been eating since morning.
  3. He has not been coming to work for 2 weeks.

Interrogative form: Has/ Have + Subject +been+ First form of Verb with ing + object + since/for + time?


  1. Have you been working since morning?
  2. Has he been sleeping since evening?
  3. Have you been watching television for over 3 hours?

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