Chemistry Review of Gases

Chemistry Review of Gases

Chemistry Review of Gases 150 150 Deborah



As one of the three states of matter, gases have chemical and physical properties of their own. The particles that make up gases are the most diffuse and are able to move freely.  Some gases are made up of compounds and mixtures of different kinds of molecules, while a few, the noble or inert gases, are made up of single atoms.

What Are Some of the Common Properties of Gases?

Gases have mass, even though they are less dense than either liquids or solids.  They are easily compressed, and they fill the containers they are in completely and evenly.  However, they mix together, or diffuse, easily.  Also, the pressure a gas is under depends partly on the temperature of the gas.

What Is the Kinetic-Molecular Theory?

The kinetic-molecular theory is a model that explains how gases behave.  The atoms or molecules in a gas have mass, but they are relatively far apart from one another.  They are also in constant, random motion, and collide with one another, as well as the container they are in.  However, molecules in a gas do not attract one another when they collide, so they will not condense.  Their energy depends on the temperature of the gas.

What Variables Are Important to Measure Gases?

There are four variables that are important to consider when measuring gases.  The amount of a sample of gas is measured in terms of moles of gas.  The volume of gas is measured by the size of its container, because gas fills up a container completely.  The temperature of the gas is important, as well as its pressure.

What Are Some Ways to Measure Gas Pressure?

The most common gas pressure is atmospheric pressure, a result of the action of the Earth’s gravity upon the mass of the atmosphere.  It varies with altitude, temperature, and humidity, and is measured by a barometer. Water vapor in the atmosphere actually lowers atmospheric pressure because it is lighter than the other molecules that make up the air.  Enclosed gases are measured by an instrument called a manometer.

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