Back to School Review of Space Figures

Back to School Review of Space Figures

Back to School Review of Space Figures 150 150 Deborah


Space figures exist in three dimensions. Some examples include spheres, cubes, tetrahedra, polyhedra, cylinders, cones, and other types of solids.

Space Figures Add Depth

Plane figures such as polygons and curved figures are two-dimensional and flat. They have length and width. Space figures exist in three dimensions, adding depth. A sphere has a center point, and the myriad circles that exist around it form the sphere. A square in three dimensions is a cube.

Spheres and Curved Figures

A sphere has one fixed point at the center. When all points on the outside of a sphere are connected with its center, it becomes solid. Many real world objects are spherical or spheroid in shape, such as the earth and other planets, the sun and other stars, and bubbles. A round shape such as an oval can become a three-dimensional ovoid. Real-world examples include eggs or teardrops.

Tetrahedra and Polyhedra

A tetrahedron is a solid with triangular faces. If the triangles that form a solid have any other polygon at the base, that solid is a pyramid. If other polygons are joined into a solid, that solid figure is called a polyhedron.  If two faces of the polyhedron are congruent, such as a square at the top, and a congruent square at the bottom, the polyhedron is called a prism. Some polyhedra are regular, and others are irregular. Polyhedra have special properties; and their volume can be measured.

Other Solid Figures

Cylinders are classic solids with two circular bases of the same size. If the bases are directly opposite each other, the figure is called a right cylinder. If the circular bases are not directly opposite, the figure is called an oblique cylinder. Cones are figures that rise from a circular base to a vertex. They may also be right or oblique. Classical solid figures include tetrahedra, cones, cubes, prisms, cylinders, and other polyhedra. However, other solid figures can be easily imagined as combinations of the classic shapes.

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