
Mitosis: From a Mother to Twins

Mitosis: From a Mother to Twins 800 512 Teaching Staff

Mitosis is a form of cell division that allows a mother cell to give rise to two daughter cells. The daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and to…

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Balancing Chemical Equations

Balancing Chemical Equations 2329 1287 Teaching Staff

Often in chemistry chemical reactions are written in an equation form using chemical symbols. The reactants of the chemical reactants are placed on the left hand side of the reaction…

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A Basic Overview of the 4 Types of Human Tissue

A Basic Overview of the 4 Types of Human Tissue 1070 1135 Teaching Staff

In order for us to complete are daily actions, we need our body to function as a whole. The body does this by having organs work together for different purposes.…

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Climate Change

Climate Change 711 350 Teaching Staff

Climate Change (or global warming) is the increase of the Earth’s global temperature. In the last century, it has been noted that the Earth temperature has increased by 1 degree…

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Science Review of a Synapse

Science Review of a Synapse 1600 900 Teaching Staff

A synapse is a structure that is essential to the function of the nervous system. This structure allows a neuron (a nerve cell)  to transmit a signal to a target…

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Exploring Corals

Exploring Corals 824 550 Teaching Staff

Overview Coral has the appearance of a beautiful undersea garden,  but contrary to its appearance, coral is not a plant; it is technically classified as an animal. Coral reefs are…

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Science Review of More about Solar Eclipses

Science Review of More about Solar Eclipses 150 150 Deborah

Overview During solar eclipses, more is revealed about the features in the sun’s corona.  The corona is not normally visible to the naked eye, so scientists began studying it long…

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Science Review of the Solar Eclipse

Science Review of the Solar Eclipse 150 150 Deborah

Overview On Monday, August 21, 2017, many people in North America will be able to see either a partial solar eclipse or a total solar eclipse, depending on where they…

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Science Review of the New Solar System

Science Review of the New Solar System 227 222 Deborah

Overview As a result of discoveries made by the New Horizons mission and other observations, the new solar system may have many more planets than the accepted eight or nine.…

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Science Review of Storms on the Sun

Science Review of Storms on the Sun 150 150 Deborah

Overview Eruptions of light and other forms of radiation from the sun affect conditions on and near Planet Earth, causing geomagnetic storms, solar radiation storms, and radio blackouts.  Some types…

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