
Science Review of Matter and Antimatter

Science Review of Matter and Antimatter 150 150 Deborah

 Overview According to the Standard Model of Particle Physics, elementary and composite particles of matter exist. Both elementary and composite particles have corresponding antiparticles, as mirror images with the same…

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Math and Physics Review of Skiing and Snowboarding

Math and Physics Review of Skiing and Snowboarding 150 150 Deborah

Overview Athletes who ski or snowboard practice for long hours to perfect motions that will earn points in competition, and rely on experts such as coaches and sports scientists to…

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Science Review of Robots and Robotics

Science Review of Robots and Robotics 150 150 Deborah

Overview Scientists are as fascinated by the concept of artificial intelligence as science-fiction writers are by robots and robotics. Although scientists are far from creating one with the prowess of…

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Science Review of the Large Hadron Collider

Science Review of the Large Hadron Collider 150 150 Deborah

Overview The Large Hadron Collider is currently the world’s largest particle accelerator. It is located on the border between Switzerland and France, started up in 2008 and shut down for…

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Science Review of Teleportation

Science Review of Teleportation 150 150 Deborah

Overview Teleportation, or using the transporter, is a wonderful method of transportation in science fiction and fantasy. Wouldn’t it be great to avoid traffic jams and complicated connections by whisking…

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The Measurement of Parallax: Angles We Have Seen on High

The Measurement of Parallax: Angles We Have Seen on High 150 150 Deborah

Overview The demonstration of parallax is as close as an observer’s own two eyes. It is the measurement of how the same object appears from two different points of view.…

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Science Review: Do Planets Exist in Other Star Systems?

Science Review: Do Planets Exist in Other Star Systems? 150 150 Deborah

Overview: From the time that Galileo and other astronomers observed that some stars were double, scientists have been fascinated with the thought that stars other than the sun might have…

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Science Review of Multiple Star Systems

Science Review of Multiple Star Systems 150 150 Deborah

Overview Although the star we are most familiar with exists as a single star, many common stars exist in pairs or multiple star systems. More than half of all stars…

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Science Review of Comets

Science Review of Comets 150 150 Deborah

Overview Comets are small icy rocks that belong to the solar system. Many have highly elliptical orbits that pass close to the sun. As they heat, they begin to vaporize,…

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Science Review of the Main Sequence, Red Giants, and Supergiants

Science Review of the Main Sequence, Red Giants, and Supergiants 150 150 Deborah

Overview According to theories of stellar evolution, most stars spend most of the time converting hydrogen to helium in various nuclear processes. After the supply of hydrogen is exhausted in…

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