Linear Equations: Point of Intersection of Lines

Linear Equations: Point of Intersection of Lines

Linear Equations: Point of Intersection of Lines 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The point of intersection of two or more lines is a point which lies on all the given lies. It means the equations of all the given lines must be satisfied by the intersection point. This point of intersection of lines is called the “point of concurrency”.  Finding this point of concurrency of two lines from given set of lines is used to determine whether the other lines are concurrent with these two lines.

Point of intersection of two lines:

Let two lines a1x+b1y+c1 =0 and a2x + b2y + c2=0 represent two intersecting lines.

Let the intersecting point of these two lines be (x1,y1).

Then it must lie on both the lines.



Solving these two equation, we get

(x1,y1)=([b1c2-b2c1]/[a1b2-a2b1], [c1a2-c2a1]/[a1b2-a2b1])


Find the point of intersection of lines 2x+3y-8=0 and x-y +1=0.


Here a1=2, b1=3, c1=-8 and a2=1, b2=-1, c2=1,

Pint of intersection (x,y) = ([b1c2-b2c1]/[a1b2-a2b1], [c1a2-c2a1]/[a1b2-a2b1])

=([3-8]/[-2-3], [-8-2]/ [-2-3])=(-5/-5, -10/-5)=(1,2).

Condition for point of concurrency of 3 lines:

Let the 3 lines a1x+b1y+c1 =0, a2x + b2y + c2=0 and a3x + b3y + c3=0 be concurrent. Then the point of intersection of first two lines must lie on the third line.

i.e. ([b1c2-b2c1]/[a1b2-a2b1], [c1a2-c2a1]/[a1b2-a2b1]) must line on the line a3x + b3y + c3=0.

So, a3 [b1c2-b2c1]/[a1b2-a2b1]  + b3 [c1a2-c2a1]/[a1b2-a2b1]  + c3 = 0

Then we get

a3 [b1c2-b2c1] + b3 [c1a2-c2a1] + c3 [a1b2-a2b1] = 0.


Determine whether the lines 2x+3y-8=0 , x -y +1=0 and 3x + y-5=0.


a1=2, b1=3, c1=-8 , a2=1, b2=-1, c2=1 and a3=3, b3=1, c3=-5.

Consider a3 [b1c2-b2c1] + b3 [c1a2-c2a1] + c3 [a1b2-a2b1]

= 3 (3 – 8) + 1 (-8-2) + (-5) (-2-3)

= -15 -10 + 25


Since the condition for concurrency is satisfied, the given lines are concurrent.

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