Multiplying and Dividing Decimals

Multiplying and Dividing Decimals

Multiplying and Dividing Decimals 750 325 Teaching Staff

Multiplying and dividing is a very important and fundamental math skill that every student should have down. However, problems that many encounter in real and not all questions that are given to you come out as nice and even. Although calculators have made our job easier, knowing how to multiply and divide decimals is a skill that all students should know.

Multiplying Decimals:
Multiplying decimals is actually very similar to multiplying whole numbers except you must remember to account for all the decimals places that are present in the 2 numbers that you are multiplying together.

Let’s work on a example.   When multiplying decimal points, do not line up the numbers from the decimal points. Instead line up the numbers all the way from the right side and proceed multiplying each number like you would when multiplying whole numbers. Once you’ve summed up your answers it is important to reinstate the decimal point back into the answer. Because both numbers you’ve multiplied is a decimal number, you can safely assume that the product of the 2 numbers is a decimal. To determine the place of the decimal, count the sum of decimals places in the 2 numbers being multiplied and move the decimal starting from the right of the product. The number of the places that should be moved should equal to the sum of the decimal places of both number being multiplied.

Dividing Decimals:

Likewise, dividing decimals is like dividing whole numbers. When dividing decimals it is important to remember that the position of the decimal place in the dividend determines the decimal point in the result.

If the divisor is not a whole number, move the decimal place in the divisor to the right until it becomes a whole number. Likewise move the same amount of decimals places in the dividend. (If your divisor is a whole number, you may skip this step and proceed to divide normally) If the divisor does not go into the dividend evenly add a 0 on the right of the dividend and add a decimal place to the quotient of 2 numbers (This decimal place will determine where the decimal place is located in the quotient!). Continue to divide as normal until the answer comes out even or a repeating pattern is noticed.

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