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Review of Alchemy to Chemistry 150 150 Deborah

Review of Alchemy to Chemistry

Overview Before there was a science of chemistry, there was alchemy. It was practiced in China, India, Mesopotamia, and Europe. The alchemists from ancient times performed experiments to transform base metals, such as lead, to precious metals, such as gold. Some of the side products of their quest included the development of scientific inquiry and…

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Chemistry Review of the Heaviest Elements 150 150 Deborah

Chemistry Review of the Heaviest Elements

Overview Over the centuries, the number of elements has changed as new elements have been discovered.  Some unstable, heavy elements  have only been synthesized in atomic laboratories, so very little is known about them. The Number of Elements Changes The chemist Lavoisier listed 23 elements in 1789. Mendeleev arranged 63 elements in the first periodic table in…

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Chemistry Review of the Classification of Matter 150 150 Deborah

Chemistry Review of the Classification of Matter

Overview The part of chemistry that deals with matter is concerned with the world of objects that have mass and take up space. A material object may be in solid, liquid, or gaseous form; consist of pure substances or mixtures of pure substances; contain elements or compounds; and may be composed of metal, nonmetal, or…

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Science Review of the Ocean Zones 150 150 Deborah

Science Review of the Ocean Zones

Overview The ocean zones are divided according to their distance from the shore and the depth of the ocean. The area closest to the shore includes the intertidal zone and the coastal ocean. The open ocean is further away from shore and is the largest area. Finally, the deepest parts of the ocean are in…

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Math Review of Quotients Involving Radical Expressions 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Quotients Involving Radical Expressions

Overview In order to divide rational expressions accurately, special rules for radical expressions can be followed. Some of those rules include the quotient rule, rules for finding the square roots of quotients, and rationalizing the denominator. The Quotient Rule Suppose the problem is to evaluate the square root of 36/49. The problem can be written…

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Review of Mathematical Patterns in Art, Music, and Dance 150 150 Deborah

Review of Mathematical Patterns in Art, Music, and Dance

Overview Mathematical patterns underlie everything in the natural world, including those human extensions of the natural world that surround us. Some of those mathematical patterns are expressed in the arts, including visual arts such as painting and sculpture, and the physics and mathematics of music. Other mathematical patterns are expressed in performance arts, such as…

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Review of Mathematical Patterns and Archaeology 150 150 Deborah

Review of Mathematical Patterns and Archaeology

Overview Mathematical patterns underlie human activity, as far back as we can discover ancient artifacts. Architectural wonders such as the Parthenon, the Pyramids, and other ruins show that civilizations were able to apply geometric and mathematical relationships. Neolithic sites as far away as Newgrange, Stonehenge, and many others around the world, show an ancient grasp…

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Math Review of Binary Systems 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Binary Systems

Overview Numbers in Base 2 are real numbers that can be involved in mathematical operations in the same way as more familiar decimal or Base 10 numbers. The advantage of binary systems — that they contain two numerals 0 and 1 — means that they can be used in situations that have two alternatives. Introduction…

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Back to School Review of Equality and Inequality of Fractions 150 150 Deborah

Back to School Review of Equality and Inequality of Fractions

Overview The concept of dividing a whole into parts and then dividing the parts into smaller entities is basic to mathematics. That model of division can be illustrated by manipulatives such as fraction bars and Cuisenaire rods. Equality and inequality of fractions can be demonstrated by finding their common denominators and comparing them. By comparing…

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Math Review of Special Factoring Formulas and a General Review of Factoring 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Special Factoring Formulas and a General Review of Factoring

Overview Some special factoring formulas include the difference of two squares, the sum of two cubes, and the difference of two cubes. If there are three terms or more in the polynomial, students can use strategies such as finding common factors and factoring by grouping. Extending the Difference of Two Squares The difference of two…

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