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Review of Nonstandard English: Idiom Errors 400 267 School Tutoring

Review of Nonstandard English: Idiom Errors

Overview:  What Do the SAT and ACT Test in English Grammar? The SAT and ACT test for formal, academic, standard English, which is not necessarily the same way that students speak or write.  Many errors are especially insidious because the correct form and the incorrect form are very close.  However, some idiom errors involve words…

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Math Review of Least Common Multiples and Denominators in Rational Expressions 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Least Common Multiples and Denominators in Rational Expressions

Overview Rational expressions are like fractions, and must have common denominators in order to be added or subtracted.  In order to find the smallest denominator in common, the least common multiple should be found between the denominators.  The least common multiple can also be calculated when the denominators are algebraic expressions. Least Common Multiple The…

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Math Review of Multiplying and Simplifying Radical Expressions 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Multiplying and Simplifying Radical Expressions

Overview Radical expressions contain one or more radicands, or expressions underneath root signs. They can be multiplied following rules for non-negative real numbers. Radical Expressions Radical expressions that do not have variables, such as √9 or √25 or even 6√5 are already familiar.  The radicand can also be a monomial, such as √(9x2) or over a…

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Math Review of Factoring Sums or Differences of Cubes 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Factoring Sums or Differences of Cubes

Overview Sums or differences of cubes can be factored similarly to other quadratic equations. They follow a pattern that is a little more complex than factoring quadratic equations. Sum of Cubes A sum of cubes is an expression such as x3 + a3, where both members of the expression are perfect cubes. Suppose the expression…

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Math Review of Division and Reciprocals of Rational Expressions 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Division and Reciprocals of Rational Expressions

Overview Division of rational expressions is similar to division of real numbers. In order to divide by a rational expression, the rational expression is changed to its reciprocal, then multiplied. Reciprocals The product of two reciprocals is 1, whether the expression is a number, a monomial with variables, or a polynomial. For example, the reciprocal…

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Math Review of the Square Root Property 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of the Square Root Property

Overview The square root property is an important shortcut to use when solving quadratic equations, or any equation that asks for square roots and powers of 2. It uses the definition of a square root to solve for a variable. Definition The definition of the square root of a positive real number in symbol form…

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Math Review of Integers as Exponents 150 150 Deborah

Math Review of Integers as Exponents

Overview Exponents are expressed as numbers or variables in superscript above a base number. When the exponent is equal to or greater than 2, it directs how many times the base number is to be multiplied. The numbers 1 and 0 are special exponents, and negative integers as exponents stand for reciprocal values. Definition Exponential…

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Biology Review of the Role of Climate 150 150 Deborah

Biology Review of the Role of Climate

Overview The role of climate, the average weather conditions at a particular location and time, has a large effect on the plants and animals that live in a particular area. Some of the elements that affect climate include the greenhouse effect, latitude, ocean currents, prevailing winds, and landmasses. Climate Weather refers to day-to-day conditions, while…

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Proofreading for Parallel Structure on the SAT and ACT 308 220 School Tutoring

Proofreading for Parallel Structure on the SAT and ACT

Overview:  What Is Parallel Structure? Parallel structure in writing is a refinement technique in which verbs, subjects, and clauses are made similar.  It is tested on the ACT and SAT in grammar questions, as it is a feature that adds impact to writing.  Often, phrases that mean the same may not be parallel. Checklist:  Are…

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Biology Review of Roots, Stems, and Leaves 150 150 Deborah

Biology Review of Roots, Stems, and Leaves

Overview Seed plants have three main parts that serve specialized functions: roots, stems, and leaves. Roots help to anchor the plant in the ground as well as absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. Stems support the part of the plant that lies above ground and transport water and nutrients to all parts of the…

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