Pollution’s Effects on Humans and the Environment

Pollution’s Effects on Humans and the Environment

Pollution’s Effects on Humans and the Environment 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Pollution and its Control

Life on earth is restricted to a thin layer extending a few kilometers above and below the surface of the planet, called the biosphere. Within the biosphere, a complex series of cycles operate, all of which are powered by solar energy. These cycles are self-perpetuating and have maintained the Earth in a suitable condition to sustain life for over 3 billion years.

However, even the mere 200 years of recent human activity has put that entire 3 billion years of balance under threat. To understand the consequence of human activity, Think of a piece of tapestry. If even one thread is pulled out, the entire fabric becomes weak. In due course of time, nothing will be left of the cloth or the beautiful  design woven on it. They two are intricately linked, thread and tapestry. The picture becomes clear when you consider the cloth to represent the abiotic environment and the flora and fauna woven on it as components of the biotic environment. Disturbances caused to any component are bound to affect the others.

Effect of Human Activities on the Atmosphere.

There are numerous factors that have contributed to the changes taking place in the environment. Some are more severe than others, but all have resulted in the disruption of our biosphere. Primarily, human industrialization is one of the greatest causes of two major factors:


Pollution is any change or addition in the environment that makes it less favorable or harmful for organisms to exist. Any substance that cause pollution is called a pollutant. This includes toxic runoff from cities and machines, CFCs produced by aerosol containers, and even the seemingly benign pollutant: litter.

Factories produce chemical waste or effluents that pollute rivers, lakes and ponds. Smoke released from factories contains poisonous gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, which are absorbed into our air, and return in the form of ‘acid rain’.

Increase in population:

Cities are growing and expanding. The growing population has to be provided with food and shelter. Therefore, forests are being cut down and the land is being used for agriculture, constructing houses, etc. Rural areas are being adapted and absorbed into these major centres as well. This results in a reduction of the wild land for native flora and fauna. If they are unable to adapt to the decreased environment, they are in grave peril.

Major types of pollution and their effects:

1.  Air pollution: The contamination of air with dust, smoke and harmful gases.
Harmful effects: causes allergies and disorders of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis.

2. Water Pollution: The contamination of water with soluble salts, sewage and industrial wastes.
Harmful effects: Causes diseases like typhoid cholera, dysentery in humans.

3. Soil and land pollution: The contamination of soil with excessive artificial fertilizers and pesticides.
Harmful effects: Destroys useful soil bacteria and affects plant health.

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