Understanding Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

Understanding Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

Understanding Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

All living things need a source of chemical energy in order to live.  Animals (and human beings) eat food as their source of chemical energy. Plants make food, using the energy of sunlight under the process called photosynthesis. Both animals and plants then release the energy from food by using the process of respiration.  Respiration is the release of energy from glucose or another organic chemical. It is a set of chemical reactions inside the body. The food we intake is oxidised by various metabolic (chemical) activities inside the cells of the body i.e. oxygen is added so that it may produce energy and we may do work. The chemical energy in glucose can be used to provide the energy required for growth, repair and movement.

Aerobic Respiration

The process of releasing energy works most efficiently if oxygen is used. Aerobic Respiration is the normal form of respiration. It requires oxygen and releases the most energy from glucose. When we respire like this we breathe oxygen in and breathe carbon dioxide out. During aerobic respiration 1Mole of Glucose produces 2830 Kilojoules of energy. Aerobic respiration produces energy, carbon dioxide and water. Aerobic respiration takes place inside the cell. All cells need an energy supply to carry out their functions. The food and oxygen are transported to the cells in humans by the blood in the circulatory system. The oxygen comes from the lungs of the respiratory system and the food comes from the small intestine of the digestive system. The mitochondria of a cell is the actual location for aerobic respiration. When food is burned to release energy using oxygen two waste products are produced: carbon dioxide and water. The process of aerobic respiration can be represented by the word equation:

food + oxygen –> energy + carbon dioxide + water

Anaerobic Respiration

Without oxygen the respiration does not release all the energy and is called anaerobic respiration. Anaerobic produces energy, carbon dioxide and lactic acid or alcohol. When we respire an anaerobically we produce lactic acid which may poison our muscles. Yeast produces alcohol during anaerobic respiration. I mole of glucose will produce 118 Kilojoules of energy.

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