Understanding Present Continuous Tense

Understanding Present Continuous Tense

Understanding Present Continuous Tense 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The present tense locates an event or a situation in present time. Present continuous tense is type of present tense used:

  • To show an action going on at present

e.g. I am writing letter.

  • To express an action that is planned to happen in future

e.g. We are going for movie tonight.

  • To indicate an action that is going on for sometime

e.g. Paul is learning swimming these days.

Present continuous sentences are written using the following rules:

  • ‘am’ is used with I
  • ‘is’ is used with singular subject
  • ‘are’ is used with plural subject

Positive form: Subject + is/am/are + Verb first form with ing + object


  1. I am leaving tonight.
  2. He is coming tomorrow.
  3. Ryan and his friends are playing ice hockey.

Negative form: Subject + is/am/are + not + Verb first form with ing + object


  1. He is not coming tonight.
  2. I am not going for movie.
  3. We are not going out.

Interrogative form: is/am/are + Subject + First form of Verb with ing + object + ?


  1. Are you coming home tonight?
  2. Am I going with you?
  3. Is he playing in the team?

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