Punctuation: Apostrophe

Punctuation: Apostrophe

Punctuation: Apostrophe 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

The apostrophe (‘) is one of the most commonly used punctuation marks. Below are the common uses of apostrophe:

1.To show omission of letters in a contraction


you’re (you are)

they’re (they are)

he is (he’s)

isn’t (is not)

can’t (cannot)

who’s (who is)

2.To show possessive form of nouns

An Apostrophe is used with –s for possessives of a singular noun


My son’s first birthday

Mother’s love

Today’s show


For plural noun an Apostrophe is used without –s for possessives


Grade 5 students’ exam is going on.


If the plural noun does not end in –s, an Apostrophe is used with –s






An Apostrophe is not used with possessive nouns: its, hers, his, yours, ours, and theirs.

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