Communicating Clearly: Avoiding Dangling Modifiers

Communicating Clearly: Avoiding Dangling Modifiers

Communicating Clearly: Avoiding Dangling Modifiers 150 150 Suzanne

When the subject of a main clause is insufficiently connected to a word or phrase that modifies it, this word or phrase is described as a ‘dangling modifier.ʼ A proper modifier describes, clarifies, or gives more detail about the main clause, whereas a dangling modifier allows too much gray area with regard to what subject is being described or clarified.

Oftentimes, a writer of dangling modifiers is taking for granted that their reader will correctly infer from the context provided exactly what it is their modifier is intended to modify; whether as an oversight, or as an attempt to provide their writing with a more casual, or colloquial, tone. However, such sentences typically fail to cohere outside their provided context, and therefore are regarded as grammatically incorrect.


  • The economic crisis in Europe involves the Germans, Greeks, Spanish, French and many more nations. It is because they spent too much money that this problem exists.

The problem here is that it is not clear about who spent too much money. “They” is the classic dangling modifier. The assumption that the reader, or listener, clearly understands who “they” is cannot be made.


  • The patient was sent to the doctor with a broken hand.

The doctor had a broken hand? Most likely, the patient had a broken hand, and so, the phrase ‘broken hand’ should follow ‘the patient’ so that confusion, or question, can be avoided.

The most important point here is that there should be no confusion. Re-reading your written work to see what you might be assuming the reader knows or understands is one of the most important parts of the revision process.

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