Expanding Powers Through Binomial Theorem

Expanding Powers Through Binomial Theorem

Expanding Powers Through Binomial Theorem 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

Usually we will expand powers just by expanding it using normal multiplication or using the following formulae.

(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2
(a+b)^3 = a^3 + 3a^2b + 3ab^2 + b^3

Fine. We can use these formulae when the power is either 2 or 3. But, Is there any formula for the expansion of (a+b)^4? We may say we can expand it. Yes. We can expand though it is a bit difficult.

But what if the powers are big numbers like 5,6,7,8….?

We have a solution for this called “Binomial theorem” which is used for the expansion of binomials with different powers (higher powers even).
Binomial theorem is defined as follows.
(a+b)^n = nC0 a^n + nC1 a^(n-1) b + nC2 a^(n-2) b^2 + … + nCn b^n
(a-b)^n = nC0 a^n – nC1 a^(n-1) b + nC2 a^(n-2) b^2 – … + (-1)^n nCn b^n
The process of expansions using Binomial theorem is explained through the following examples.

Example 1:

Expand (x+y)^5 using binomial theorem.


Substituting a=x, b=y and n=5 in the expansion of binomial theorem,
(x+y) 5 = 5C0 x^5 + 5C1 x^4 y + 5C2 x^3 y^2 + 5C3 x^2 y^3 + 5C4 x y^4 + 5C5 y^5
= x^5 + 5x^4 y + 10 x^3 y^2 + 10 x^2 y^3 + 5 x y^4 + y^5
(Here, 5C0=1, 5C1=5, 5C2=10, 5C3=10, 5C4=5, 5C5=1).

Example 2:

Expand (x-y)^5 using binomial theorem.


Substituting a=x, b=y and n=5 in the expansion of binomial theorem,
(x-y) 5 = 5C0 x^5 – 5C1 x^4 y + 5C2 x^3 y^2 – 5C3 x^2 y^3 + 5C4 x y^4 – 5C5 y^5
= x^5 – 5x^4 y + 10 x^3 y^2 – 10 x^2 y^3 + 5 x y^4 – y^5
(Here, 5C0=1, 5C1=5, 5C2=10, 5C3=10, 5C4=5, 5C5=1).

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