Words That Express Comparison

Words That Express Comparison

Words That Express Comparison 150 150 Suzanne

To compare people, places or things (essentially, nouns) is to note distinctions based on similarities and/or differences between them relative to each other. The following are words commonly used to accomplish this, and that are often used interchangeably, and, more or less mistakenly.

Farther vs. Further

Farther refers to a comparative amount of literal distance, when (nouns) are more or less physically far from one another.

  •  The planet Neptune is many, many millions of miles farther from the sun than is Jupiter.

Further is specified to mean a comparative amount of figurative distance, or literal increase in quantity.

  •  Nothing could have been further from his mind than the price of applesauce.
  •  For further reading on the solar system, please refer to the list of recommended books in the appendix.

It is worth noting that while further can be used interchangeably in both the literal and figurative circumstances, farther is more restricted to a literal meaning and cannot also refer to an increase in quantity.

Fewer vs. Less

 These comparatives – fewer, and less – both refer to some or another reduction in quantity amongst (nouns.) The key to understanding which of these is appropriate to use, is to check whether the noun being modified is a “mass noun” (usually singular in usage, and not readily quantifiable in #’s of units) or a “count noun” (readily pluralized, and highly quantifiable in #’s of units).

  •  We need less pasta and more sauce. (mass noun: pasta)
  •  I will like there to be fewer instances of gun violence in America. (count noun: instances)

One common exception to this with regard to units of time, money or distance. These read like mass nouns (they are largely singular in usage) but are certainly count nouns (in that they are readily quantifiable). The correct sounding, and indeed, the correct comparative in these instances is less.

  •  Although Gerald had more memories of winning than of losing that night, he left the casino with considerably less money than he arrived with.

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