Geometry: An Introduction to Triangles

Geometry: An Introduction to Triangles

Geometry: An Introduction to Triangles 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

A triangle is a closed curve which is formed by 3 line segments. The line segments by which the triangle is formed are called sides of the triangle. The points of intersections of the sides of the triangle are called the vertices of the triangle. The angles formed at the vertices are called the angles of the triangle.

So, in a triangle, there are 3 sides, 3 vertices and 3 angles.

Here, we will name this triangle as ΔABC where,

Sides : AB, BC, CA

Vertices:  A, B, C

Angles: ∠BAC, ∠ABC , ∠BCA.

Parts of the triangle:

There is some terminology associated with the triangles.

Base: Its is the bottom side of the triangle.

Base angles: Two angles which touch the base.

Vertex of the triangle: The angle which is opposite to the base

Legs: The two sides which are not bases.

Types of triangles:

The triangles are classified based on sides and angles.

Based on sides, the triangles are classified as follows.

a)      Equilateral triangle:

A triangle in which all three sides (angles) are equal.

b)      Isosceles triangle:

A triangle in which any two sides (angles) are equal.

c)      Scalene triangle:

A triangle in which no two sides (angles) are equal.

Based on the angles the triangles are classified as follows.

a)      Acute angled triangle:

Any triangle in which all the angles are less than 900.

b)      Obtuse angled triangle:

Any triangle with one of the angles greater than 900.

c)      Right angled triangle:

A triangle in which one of the angles is equal to 900.

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