Trigonometric Identities

Trigonometric Identities

Trigonometric Identities 150 150 SchoolTutoring Academy

An  identity is a mathematical statement which equates any two mathematical expressions. In algebra we have the following identities which are mostly used in factoring the expressions.

(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

(a-b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2

Similarly, we have identities even in Trigonometry which are mostly used in solving trigonometric equations.

Let us assume any point (x,y) be a point in the first quadrant on an unit circle.

Then by the definitions of trigonometric ratios, we have

Sin t = y; Cost = x; Tan t = y/x; Cosec t = 1/y; Sec t = 1/x; Cot t = x/y

From these definitions itself, we can derive the following elementary trigonometric identities.

Sin t = 1/ Cosec t;

Cos t = 1/ Sec t;

Tan t = 1/Cot t;

Also, Tant = Sint/Cost; Cott = Cost/Sint

Beyond these elementary trigonometric identities, we have some other identities known as Pythagorean identities.

By Pythagoras theorem, we know that, in a right angled triangle the square of the hypotenuseis equal to sum of the squares of the other two sides.

By applying this theorem to the above figure we get.

x2 + y2 = 1

Cos2t + Sin2t = 1;

By dividing this equation by Cos2t, we get

Cos2t / Cos2t  +  Sin2t/ Cos2t  = 1/ Cos2t

1 + Tan2t= Sec2t;

Again by dividing the same equation by Sin2t, we get

Cos2t/ Sin2t  +  Sin2t/ Sin2t = 1/ Sin2t

Cot2t + 1 = Cosec2t;

Thus we are derived the Pythagorean identities which are listed as follows.

Cos2t + Sin2t = 1;

1 + Tan2t= Sec2t;

Cot2t + 1 = Cosec2t;

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