Chemistry Review of Liquids

Chemistry Review of Liquids

Chemistry Review of Liquids 150 150 Deborah


The liquid state is one of the three states of matter, between the gaseous state and the solid state.  Molecules still move freely, although the density is higher than in the gaseous state.  Many substances occur in the liquid state at room temperature.

How Does the Kinetic-Molecular Theory Account for Liquids?

The particles in a liquid, whether atoms or molecules, slip and flow around one another, but collisions are more frequent.  They have a definite volume, so that the liquid takes the shape of the container, but does not expand to fill the container.  Liquids also can diffuse between one another, but the process is slower than diffusion between gases.  Particles have a stronger attraction to one another than do gas particles.

What Are Some Types of Attractive Forces?

Forces such as dispersion and hydrogen bonding attract molecules in liquids to account for their stronger attraction.  These attractive forces are called intermolecular forces, because they occur between molecules, and account for why some substances are liquids at room temperature.  For example, if the intermolecular forces within water were higher than they were, the boiling point of water would be even higher.  The kinetic energy of molecules would not be enough to allow molecules to move freely enough to become gases.

What Is Viscosity?

Viscosity is the resistance to flow in a liquid.  If the molecules in a liquid are strongly attracted to one another, the substance flows more slowly.  It takes much longer to fill a glass with molasses or honey than to fill a glass with water, for example.  As a liquid cools, it is more viscous, and the intermolecular forces are higher.

What Is Surface Tension?

Surface tension is the difference between the way molecules at the surface of a liquid attract one another, as compared to molecules that are not at the surface.  The molecules at the surface of a liquid appear to form a very slight barrier. Many insects appear to walk on water, although they are heavier than the water, because of the way they take advantage of surface tension.  Surface tension is also higher in liquids that have higher viscosity, and at lower temperatures.

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