English Review of Abstract and Concrete Language

English Review of Abstract and Concrete Language

English Review of Abstract and Concrete Language 150 150 Deborah


Writers can make essays more vivid by providing specific, concrete examples for abstract concepts and language. Effective writing requires a balance between the two. Abstract concepts without development are unclear, but a list of concrete examples appear disorganized.

Abstract Language

Abstract language includes words that express thoughts and ideas, such as bravery, freedom, love, and compassion. Thoughts and ideas are intangible, but they are essential to any type of connected essay. Without thoughts and ideas, the essay will lack structure. Suppose the writer is presenting an argument that arts education enhances development. The idea of arts education is fairly broad and abstract, as is the concept of development. Unless those concepts are defined further, readers will not be able to follow the argument or draw their own conclusions.

Concrete Language

Concrete language, by contrast, includes words that can be touched, seen, heard, felt, or even smelled. The wildfire scorched thousands of acres. The brave firefighter rescued a woman who was trapped inside the burning house. The acrid smoke stings the eyes. The crackling flames rose higher as the fire raged out of control. The blackened hillside showed evidence of the fire’s destruction. While bravery is an abstract term, the concrete example describes a brave action. Similarly, the descriptions of the wildfire present concrete details to make it more vivid.

General Language

General language requires clarification. A writer who begins a review with “The book is boring” must give specific details to support that opinion. Perhaps the book is boring because the plot moves slowly and the characters are stereotyped. Similarly, a statement like “That film was interesting” doesn’t give enough reasons for someone else to want to see it. A sentence such as “The boat floated down the river” doesn’t present any details as to which boat floated down the river.


Specific Language

Specific language is vivid and clear. The sailboat with the red sail floated down the Columbia River when it came untied from its mooring. The piano concert begins at Benaroya Hall at 7:00 tonight.

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